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Hi everybody!

I'd like to join this thread since I own an another daughter of Franchie - ARUNA (aka Al'ka) salutation . She is almost 2 years old, young champion of Russia, champion of Russia, and candidate to ch. of Uzbekistan...
And now - some pics...


family and friends

Aruna is on guard (a year ago) PaNPaN

A corso and a hedgehog

And I'd like to post 2 links to small video clips (~6 Mb each) of our corsi in work

The files are in .wmv format so it could be opened (after downloading) with Windows Media Player...

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many beautiful pictures (and dogd too la classe )

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Bravo splendid dogs and suberb photographs
I do not arrive has to see the videos Snif

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Thanx all for your kind words bisous

I'd like to show you some more pics...

In spite of almost 2 years old Al'ka is still like a child

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Aruna a écrit:

Bordel !!!

Plus efficace que le spray au poivre ou la matraque electrique !!!

- Non....
- Heuuu, Finalement faîtes comme vous voulez...

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Eric Emonnot a écrit:
Citation :

Aruna is on guard (a year ago) PaNPaN

Putain c’est Bagdad !!! cold

loooooool!!!! HIHI HIHI

et même [quote="williams guiton"]
Citation :

Bordel !!!

Plus efficace que le spray au poivre ou la matraque electrique !!!

- Non....
- Heuuu, Finalement faîtes comme vous voulez...

HiHiHi HiHiHi mort de rire

bon, faut que je m'en remette..... mouahahahahaha...

mais magnifiques photos!!! et magnifiques toutous aussi...

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je trouve dommage d'associer un beau cane avec une kalachnikov

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Eric Emonnot a écrit:
Citation :

Aruna is on guard (a year ago) PaNPaN

Putain c’est Bagdad !!! cold

mdr carement

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Bravo Superbe ton nouvel avatar SONY et j'ai visité ton lien Bravo

Pour ARUNA, superbes photos !!! Bravo

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