Invité Posté(e) le 8 décembre 2010 les phases dites "de base"Article de Rachel, dupliqué du forum absolut regius, avec l'aimable autorisation de Rachel. http://absolut-regius.forumdediscussions.netLes phases dites "de base" on été trouvée telles quelles dans la nature et/ou fermes d'élevage, voici la liste:Les phases récessives:Albinos T- Axanthic Burgundy Burgundy albinosCaramel albinos T+CandyClown Desert ghost Genetic striped Ghost/hypomelanistic (orange ghost, yellow ghost, butterscotch etc.)Lavender albinos Piebald Tri-stripeUltramelLes phases dominantes/co-dominantes:Banded (pas tous)Black back (pas tous)Black head Butter Calico ChampagneCinnamon pastel Congo Coral glow/White smoke/Banana Fire ball Goblin Granite Lesser platinium Mojave MysticPhantom Pinstripe Platinium Reduced pattern (pas tous)Spider Spot nose Sugar/Calico/White-sided Yellow Belly "het ivory"Pastel (blond, enchi, pastel jungle, lemon etc.)A compléter si besoin! Article de Rachel, tous droits réservés Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Posté(e) le 8 décembre 2010 Liste des phases de python regiusArticle de Raf, dupliqué du forum absolut regius, avec l'aimable autorisaiton de Rachel. http://absolut-regius.forumdediscussions.netVoici une petite liste des phases de Python regiusAlbinoAxanthic Albino Clown Albino spider Albino pastel Albino Pinstripe Axanthic pastel Aztec Black laceBanana clown Banana pastel Blue eyed leucistic Bumble bee Bumble bee piebaldBumble bee Woma Butter bee Banana BandedBlack backblack stripe Black headed Black pastel Burgundy ButterBubblegumblack eyed leucisticblack eyedblue eyedcoral glow CalicoChampagneCamouflageCaramel albinoCinnamon pastelcinnamon granite ClownCaramel glow Chocolate pinstripe Coral bee CrystalChocolate fade Circus Classic jungle Coffee Desert ghost Enchi pastel enchi super pastelFireGenetic stripe GraniteGhostgoblin Granite Mojavegreen head Granite albinoHypoHypo black headHoney bee Hypo Bumble Bee Hypo Butter Hypo mojave Hypo super mojave Hypo pastel Hypo pinstripe Hypo super vanillaHarlequin Hyper-melanisticIvoryJigsaw (mojave x pinstripe)King pin Killer beeKiller clownLavender albino pied Lemon blast Lesser bee Lesser WomaLavender albinoLesser platinumLeucisticlightningMint pearlMojaveMojave yellow bellyOrange cinnamonPlatinumPastel junglePastel butter Pastel caramel Pastel genetic stripe Pastel het red axanthic Pastel lesser platinum Pastave Pastel phantom Pastel pied Pastel Woma Pewter pastelPhantomPiebald PinstripePowerParadox albino ParagonPatternlessreduced patternedRed axanthic Red Stripe Russo line het leucisticsuper black pastel sugarsuper cinnamon super firesuper goblin super mojave super pastel super phantomsuper chocolatesuper vanillaSablesuper sable Shatter pattern Spider Spot nose super spot noseSilver bullet Silver streaksuper pastel black pewter Spider mojave Spider Piebald SpinnerSpider Pinstripe Spinner blast Sterling pastel Stinger bee Striped albino Super pastel hypoSunsetThundertiger toffee vanilla Wanna beewhite diamondwhite sidedwhite smoke WomaWoma axanthicxanthic albino Yellow bellyyellow Belly Bumble Bee Yellow belly spider Yellow belly pastel Yellow Belly Super Pastel Yellow belly super Stripe A completer ou modifier Article de Raf, tous droits réservés Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Invité Posté(e) le 8 décembre 2010 Les combinaisons de phasesArticle de bombe-fr, dupliqué du forum absolut regius, avec l'aimable autorisation de Rachel. http://absolut-regius.forumdediscussions.netAAlbinos cinnamon = albinos x cinnamonAlbinos Hypo / Ghost Sunglow = T- Albino x HypomelanisticAlbinos pinstripe = Albinos X PinstripeAlbinos spider = Albinos X SpiderAxanthic pastel = axanthic x pastelBBetter Bumblebee = (Spider) x (Pastel & Yellow Belly) Mutation apeller aussi " Yellow Belly Bumblebee "Black Pewter = Black Pastel x PastelBlue eyed Leucistic = Hypomelanistic x Super Mojave Blue eye leucistic = Phantom X Lesser platiniumBlue eye leucistic = Mojave X Lesser platiniumBlue eye leucistic = Lesser platinium X LesserBumble bee = Spider X PastelButter bee=Spider X ButterButter hypo = Butter x hypomelanisticButter pastel = Butter x pastelCCalico pastel = Pastel X CalicoCaramel Glow = Caramel Albinos X Orange ghostCarmel Glow = Hypomelanistic x T+ Albino Camouflage = Pinstripe X Super chocolatCinna Bee = Spider x Cinnamon PastelCinny pin = cinnamon x pinstripeClown albinos (B.Barczyk) =Clown X AlbinosCoral bee = Spider X BananaCoral Clown = Banana x Clown DDreamsicle = Piebald X Lavender albinos ( apellé aussi Piebald lavender albinos (RDR))EEbony = Granit X Yellow belliFire x fire = black eyed leucistic ou super fireGHHonney bee=Orange ghost X SpiderHypo black head = Black Head het Hypo x HypoHypo mojave (Snake keeper 2003) = mojave x hypomélanistiqueHypo/Ghost Mojave = Hypomelanistic x Mojave Hypo pastel (Mark and Kim Bell 2002) = hypo/ghost x pastelHypo/Ghost Pastel = Hypomelanistic x Pastel Jungle Hypo/Ghost Spider = Hypomelanistic x Spider Iivory = yellow belly X yellow belliJKKiller bee = Bumble bee X PastelKiller clown = pastel het. clown x pastel clown (snake keeper)Kingpin = Pinstripe X Lesser platinumLLemon Blast = Pastel Jungle x Pinstripe Lesser bee = Spider X Lesser PlatiniumLesser platinium = ( Lesser X Normal ) x ( Platinum X Normal )MMandarin pastel = lemon pastel x oddball ( NERD )Marbled pastel (Amir 2004) = pastel x granite Motley bee = Genetic striped X SpiderNOPParty Ball = pastave X pastave et ou Hypo Mojave X Mojave Het-HypoPastave = pastel X MojavePastel butter (Mark and Kim Bell 2003) = pastel x butterPastel Caramel Albino = T+ Albino x Pastel JunglePastel clown = clown x pastel het.clownPastel Coral = Banana x Pastel Pastel Kingpin = Pastel X Lesser X PinstripePastel Lesser, ( Pastel X Lesser Platty )Pastel yellow belly = Pastel x yellow bellyPewter pastel (Graziani 2003) = pastel x cinnamon Phantom Yellow Belly,= ( Phantom X Goblin Cross )Piebald pastel = piebald x pastel het. piebaldPiebald lavender albinos (RDR) = Piebald X Lavender albinos ( appelé dreamsicle )QQueen Bee = Pastel Jungle x Spider x Lesser Platinum RRed-axhantic = Black Back x Black Back SSilver Bullet = Super Cinnamon Pastel x Pastel JungleSilver Streak = Super Pastel Jungle( ou pastel jungle) x Black PweterSnow "joliff" = Axanthic (joliff) X Albinos T-Snow VPI line (RDR)=Axanthic (VPI) X Albinos T-Spiderpied = Spider X piebaldSpider fireball = Spider x fireSpider pinstripe "spinner" (BHB 2003) = spider x pinstripe Spider yellow belly = Spider x yellow bellySpinner Blast = Pinstripe X Spider X PastelSterling Pastel/ Silver Streak = Super Pastel Jungle x Cinnamon Pastel Stinger bee = Enchi pastel X SpiderStriped albinos (RDR) = Striped X AlbinosSugar pastel = pastel X sugarSuper cinnamon (chocalate/ebony ball) = Cinnamon Pastel X Cinnamon Pastel Hyper-melanistic.Super cinnamon/patternless = cinnamon pastel x cinnamon pastelSuper Black = Black Pastel x CinnamonSuper pastel = pastel X pastelSuper Pastel Hypo/Ghost = Hypomelanistic x Super Pastel Jungle Super Spinner Blast = Pinstripe X Spider X Super PastelTUVWWanna Bee Spider = Woma x Pastel x SpiderXYYellow belly bumblebee = Dominant (Spider) x Double Co-dominant (Pastel & Yellow Belly) Mutation apeller aussi Better BumblebeeZArticle de bombe-fr, tous droits réservés Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
nano205 0 Posté(e) le 15 décembre 2011 voici un lien utile pour la repro de python sagit donc petit logicel de calcule de croisementbonne visite Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
joness09 0 Posté(e) le 3 février 2013 bonjours a tous voici un autre site de calcule de Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites