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Cloughside Lofts

Dortmund Show 2009

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Hi All, We are coming over from UK to the Dortmund Show.
We are leaving England on 10 Dec arriving 11Dec.There are about 35-40
of us on the trip.I am hopeing to buy some more Americans as I did last year.I bred 26 young americans this year,most off the birds I bought in
Dortmund last year.Will any of you guys off the forum be there,as i would like to meet-up with you.I am still not able to post any photos on the forum,but the photo in my profile (Avitar) is a young blue cock I bred this year.Cheers Bill. santasantasanta

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Hi Bill, wish you luck for your trip to Dortmund. I think there are 300 to 400 Show Racer and some for sale. Best Regards Dirk cheerscheerscheers

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Dirk Quade wrote:
Hi Bill, wish you luck for your trip to Dortmund. I think there are 300 to 400 Show Racer and some for sale. Best Regards Dirk cheerscheerscheers

Hi Dirk,Thanks for the info.Would like to have gone to the show in Leipzig
I have been told it is a much larger show,but it is much to far for us to
travel.It takes us 15/17 hours to get to Dortmund.I am hoping to buy
a few more Show Racers again this year.I have bred 26 young birds off
the birds I bought last year,and some are looking very promising up to
now.I can't seem to download any photos to the forum to show them to
you,but my avatar is a photo of a young Blue cock I bred this year.
Cheers.Your Friend in sport Bill. cheerscheerssanta

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Hi Bill, it`s a nice young cock, I prefer this Link to upload my photos, it`s more simple than the others. Yes in Leizig are 29000 thousand pigeons. 15 to 17 hours it`s a long trip, but this is our pigeon virus. Dirk

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Dirk Quade wrote:
Hi Bill, have a nice time in Dortmund. I hope you can buy some good Show Racer. Dirk WinkWinkWink

Hi Dirk,
We are leaving the UK at 9pm GMT on 10 Dec. 35 in the party.
I bought a nice 08 bred Cock on sunday at our NPA Show at
Pickering in North Yorckshire.You may know the guy I bought it
from his name is Dennis Van Doorn from Holland.
I only bought for it's colour,I think you would call it a (Indigo Spread)
It is a nice bird hoping it will be OK as a stock bird for me.
Thanks for the post.Cheers Bill. santasantasanta

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Bossmeyer wrote:
Dennis van Doorn livers in Holland.
His adress is: D. van Doorn, Torentrans 58, NL 4333 Middelburg.
Nederland. e-mail:
Friedel Bossmeyer

Hi Friedel,
Thank you for the information about Dennis van Doorn.
He is a very nice man to talk to and very knowledgeable
on America Show Racer's.
Best regards.Bill.

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