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Cloughside Lofts


Messages recommandés

RazzRazzRazz Visited the 59.VDT Show in Erfurt. Drove over from UK with my friend Tom. Total mileage
1000 miles round trip, but well worth it. Not many Show Racer’s for sale but bought two
Silver Check Hens 09 and 10 and one Yellow Check Cock 10. Very pleased with the bird’s
But would have liked to buy two white cock’s but none for sale.
Very good show and very well organized. Well done the VDT the VDT show commity.
I will be going to the 60 show next year all being well

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Hi Bill, I'm glad to hear that you have had a nice trip to Erfurt. I believe there were 370 Show Racer in competition. Bill please, post us some photos from your new Show Racer and perhaps some of your this year youngsters. That was very nice. Dirk

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Clougside nous explique qu'il va au show D'Erfurt. Dirk lui souahite bonne route, pense quil' y aura 370 racers et lui demande des photos .... Wink

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