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Cloughside Lofts

Young cock bred last year

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This a young cock I bred last year.About 7 weeks old when photo was taken.
This is the first photo that I have posted, (Just seeing if it works)
Cheers Bill.

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I agree with Janny, it's a real nice red grizzle but he is a checker without bars. How is the look of this cock today?

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Dirk Quade wrote:
I agree with Janny, it's a real nice red grizzle but he is a checker without bars. How is the look of this cock today?

I will take some photo's of him in the next few day's.
He was bred from a Dominent Red Cock and a White Hen.
I bought the White Hen at the VDT show in Dortmund in 2008
she was in the sale pen's as a (Cock) but turned out to be a hen
(which I thought was better).She was bred by a guy named Sven Bode.
I will post some photo's of this year's young bird's in a few day's.
(Now I have sorted how to downloadthem)
Best regards,Bill.

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Very nice that's always great when that happens that cocks turn to hens, we all need more of those. I know the guy Sven Bode, he has some nice blue grizzles and I think in the last years he was German Champion with this color. Dirk cheerscheers

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TJ wrote:
Beautiful color.

It's look even like recessive red, isn'it ? Shocked

Thanks TJ, As I said he is bred from a Dominant Red Self Cock and a White Self hen.
He as turned out to be a Good stock bird,I have bred 4 good young bird's from him,
when paired to a Red Bar hen.Two Red bar pied hen's and Two Cock's same colour
as him.I will take some photo's this weekend and post them.(Now that I have sorted out
how to download them)
Cheers Bill.

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