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French National 2011

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TJ wrote:
Results of French National Championship of ASR :

Champion Old Cock : Philippe et Jules Capon
Champion Old Hen : Michel Loubet
Champion Young Cock: Gilles Robinier
Champion Young Hen : Michel Loubet

Best blue : Young cock, blue check at Gilles Robinier
Best Red Ash Young coch red ash bar at Michel Loubet
Best dilute : Young cock yellow check at Christophe Gaillard
Best unicolor : Young hen black spread at Gilles Robinier
Best grizzle and indigo : Old Hen indigo check at Michel Loubet
Best Rare : Young cock Faded red ash at Philippe and Jules Capon
Best Pied : Old cock yellow check pied adulte at Philippe and jules Capon


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TJ can you tell me who was the Judge?

In all honesty I don't believe there was one bird in those photos
that is anywhere near as good as that Blue Checker of yours
that you posted sometime ago.

They are either not through the moult or have poor station, creases
& weak beaks with no frontal strength.

I do not wish to be rude but they should be much better prepared & through the moult
for a National show.

I've seen photos of birds on this site that are much better than those on display at your National.

Where are they?

This style of this bird below would leave them all far behind.

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gnads2002 wrote:

TJ peux-tu me dire qui était le juge?

En toute honnêteté je ne crois pas qu'il y avait un pigeon dans ces photos
qui est aussi bon que le Bleu écaillé
que vous avez posté il y a quelque temps.

Ils sont soit en mue, soit ils manquent de tenue, soit il y a des plis
ou des Becs faibles et manquent de substance frontale.

Je ne veux pas être impoli, mais ils devraient être beaucoup mieux préparés notamment à la mue
pour une nationale.

J'ai vu des photos de Racer sur ce site qui sont bien meilleurs que ceux présentés à votre nationale.

Où sont-ils?

Ce style de pigeon ci-dessous laisserait tous loin derrière.

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Hello Gnads,

I'm very happy to read you.

This Blue Check cock is the National Champion of last Year. Wink

This year, it was not at the championship. I had a problem with my work and I could not participate.

Note that this year, moulting was late and the Championship was earlier. That's why a lot of pigeons were not ready.

I wish you a Happy New Year 2012 and hope to see you here often. cheers

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