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Male Poecilotheria subfusca, lowland ou highland

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Salut à tous,

ma P. subfusca a mué le week end passé et est maintenant un beau petit male adulte.
Mais avant de le mettre à disposition, je voudrais savoir si s'agit de la forme lowland (bara) ou highland... (oui, je m'y prends un peu tard Suspect )
En espérant que vous puissiez m'aider.
Voici 2 photos (gsm sorry).

En voici une qui date de juin 2009

Voilà et merci.


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IMHO Lowland... Il me semble que :

Highland a des tons beaucoup plus sombres et plus de couleurs pourpres.

Lowland a des tons crèmes plus légers et contours noirs plus "marqués" mieux définis or votre troisième photo montre des motifs très bien définis.

Vos photos, particulièrement la première, semblent avoir une dominante couleur, je m'en réfère à la couleur de l'écorce !

Pas de bol, si dominante couleur il y a, elle est pourpre (magenta) ce qui engendre une confusion.

Je vous adresse une image, elle n'est pas de moi et je ne peux, comme il se doit en créditer l'auteur pour cause d'ignorance. Néanmoins elle me semble explicite.

Auriez-vous la gentillesse de me documenter quand quelqu'un sera formel. Merci.

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Merci pour ces infos.

Par contre après quelques recherches et beaucoup de lecture ce matin, moi je pencherais pour une "highland"...

Attendons d'autres avis Wink

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hey seth

the 3rd picture: is it sub-adult stage? or did he molt numerous time before becoming adult?

if it was sub-adult, then i also think it's a "highland"
if the picture is from juvenile stage: it could be "lowland"

from what i have seen here in males:
highland: they don't develop the "white" on the patella
lowland: they do develop the "white" on the patella

i hope this makes sence to you scratch
if not i'll try to explain myself better

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Thanks a lot Tom.

On the 3th picture (made the 6/06/09), he molt max two times, includ the last.
And for the patella, on the first picture, I don't see white.

If I've all understand, this is an higland?


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maybe to be more clear

when they are adult males: they don't have the white on the patella

but the difference between highland and lowland is in sub-adult stage (or even big juvenile stage).

highland: males-> never white patella, they stay greyish with "stripes" in it, females -> develop the white patella from juvenile stage
lowland: males -> develop the white patella (just as the females), but only untill adult molt. then they have their complet colourchange...

(it would be a lot easier to explain if i was an expert in your language lol! )

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La couleur de la face ventrale serait différente ? Est-ce vrai ? Est-ce valable pour un mâle ? À quel stade ?
The colour of the ventrale face would be different? Is it true? Is it valid for a male ? At what stage ?

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i'm not sure if there is a color difference from ventral view.

the difference in white (or not) patella is from top view.
not sure from what stage, but i've noticed it with my bigger juveniles...

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Hello Tom
Found on German www :
Lowland would have a ventrale vue light brown and highland very dark almost black.
But, if this observation is correct QuestionQuestionQuestion it is it for males as for females and in which stages ????
I apologize.... My English is rather poor !

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@ guy-be: your english is more than good enough for me Wink

i didn't know that there was a difference from ventral view.
if i have the chance to check this myself i will...
but most off the time the spiders hide in their piece of cork, and i don't want to disturb to much...

but as soon as i know (or seen) more, i'll put it here

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Good evening Tom
I come back from Germany for my quest of a metallica (Ah if I was rich man !)
I saw two FEMALES subfusca.
Effectively ventrales faces are very dark highland or clear lowland !
The persons with I'm spoke say me that they do not use any more Lowland or highland (geography) but indeed a " variation of colour "
I had no answer for males
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Good night

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@ guy-be: thanks for the info Wink
good to know this....
most people use instead of highland/lowland --> > subfusca/bara.
but i'm not sure if it's scientific proven yet scratch

now if i only had the chance to see this for myself in my females...

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