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Haplopelma longipes VS. Haplopelma vonwirthi

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Petit post très intéressant pour différencier ces deux espèces..

Fig. 1. Haplopelma longipes Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005 (Young adult female, postmoult) - No bright stripes on patella.

Fig. 2. Haplopelma longipes Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005 (Young adult female, postmoult) - A significant fringe of long hair on top of metatarsus and tarsus. And enlarged scopula on the metatarsus, leg IV.

Fig. 3. Haplopelma vonwirthi Schmidt, 2005 (Young adult female, postmoult) - Bright stripes on patella, and orange spinnerets.

Fig. 4. Haplopelma vonwirthi Schmidt, 2005 (Old adult female, postmoult) - The bright stripes on patella are barely visible in older specimens, or when in premoult.

N.B : Haplopelma longipes Von Wirth & Striffler, 2005 (Formerly known as Haplopelma sp. "longipedum"). Haplopelma vonwirthi Schmidt, 2005 (Formerly known as Haplopelma sp. "Vietnam"). Both species are often sold under the wrong names; Cyriopagopus paganus and Ornithoctonus gadgili.

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