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Juge Mr Redlinski (pologne!!)

35 basenjis 15 males et 20 femelles le Samedi 2 Octobre 2010
La veille il y a une spéciale organisée juge Mr Loubes (portugal)
Si le ou la chien(ne) fait les 2 CAC le ou le chien(ne) sera championne slovenie

On n'a pas des juges spécialistes les deux jours alors tout est permis !

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Résultats toujours sur le site de Pia Palmbladt Wright:

EuroDog Show, Celje Slovenia
Group judge Svend Løvenkjær, Denmark
Samoyede Cabaka's Bage of Rock Star - Best in Group
Bred and owned by Gitte Morell, Denmark

BIS Baby judge Manuel Loureiro Borges, Portugal
Samoyede Cabaka's Hailey of Robbie - BIS Baby
Bred by Gitte Morell, DK and owned by Kovacev Franjo, Hungay

BIS Junior judge Kari Järvinen, Finland
American Akita Senseo So Damn Beautiful - BIS 3 Junior
Bred and owned by Johansen and Thomsen, Denmark

Breed judge Miroslaw Redlicki, Poland
Kimwitu's Stan G - exc 1, CAC, CACIB, Best of breed & EuroWinner 2010
Wakili Signet Gianni Versace - entered in Championclass male with exc 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Juma Mongo Asiaczek – entered in Championclass male with exc 2, res. CAC
Double Line Man Des terres Oceanes – entered in Championclass male with exc. 3
Bulldobas Cream And Sugar – entered in Championclass male absent
Matabichi Fahari Zola (male) - exc. 1, JCAC, EUJW-10
Kimwitu's Abrau Djurso – entered in Juniorclass male with vg 2
Ofi Child Of The Stars Asiaczek – entered in Juniorclass male with vg 3
Zahleka Taji Watch Your Steps – entered in Juniorclass male absent
Kanibaru Fromaje Frais – entered in Intermediatelass male with vg 2
Faraoland Il Divo – entered in Intermediatelass male absent
Jazzy Boy Asiaczek – entered in Openclass male with exc1 , CAC
Salonga Che Gevara – entered in Openclass male with exc 2, res. CAC
Zahleka Emile Emilion – entered in Openclass male absent
M Wami's American Fortune Hunter - European Veteran Winner 2010 and BOB-veteran
Dark Line des Terres Océanes (brindle) - exc 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS & EuroWinner 2010
Bambou Of Swala Pala – entered in Openclass female with exc, CAC, res. CACIB
Jasiri-Sukari Vermillion – entered in Championclass female with exc 2, res. CAC
Tim Spirit Ita Bibi W Mabibi – entered in Championclass female with exc. 3
Bwindi Yala Asthenia – entered in Championclass female with exc. 4
Adanna African Spirit – entered in Championclass female with exc
Klassic's Tri-Fecta – entered in Championclass female absent
Tim Spirit Aljdjeba – entered in Intermediateclass female with exc.1, CAC
Shen De Lux My Lollipap – entered in Intermediateclass female with exc.2 res.CAC
Dolce-Vita Of Swala Pala – entered in Intermediateclass female with exc. 3
Wazin Red Gambai - exc. 1, JCAC, EUJW-10
Etoile D'Amour Of Swala Pala – entered in Juniorclass female with exc. 2
Ebele Amara Of Swala Pala – entered in Juniorclass female with exc. 3
Shen De Lux Yalou Rozalin – entered in Juniorclass female with exc. 4
Tim Spirit Eheve Alliyama – entered in Juniorclass female with exc
Matabichi Faizah Copperflame – entered in Juniorclass female with vg
Sabi Sabi Out From Dandongpei – entered in Juniorclass female with vg
Matabichi Fila Nganga-True – entered in Juniorclass female absent
Felmeria For Christmas Eve Asiaczek – entered in Veteranclass female with exc 1, European Veteran Winner 2010

Thank you Tina B., for the updates

Breed judge for pharaoh hounds
Pharaoh hound Faouziah's Faramir - exc 1, CAC, CACIB, Best of breed & EuroWinner 2010
Reedly Road Beefeater - entered in Championclass male with exc 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Reedly Road Desperado - entered in Openclass male with exc 1, CAC
Reedly Road Evergreen - entered in Openclass male with exc.2, res.CAC
Antefa's Tutankhamun - entered in Openclass male with exc.3
Dovmontov Gorod Alliance with Northgate's - entered in Juniorclass male with exc. 1, JCAC, EUJW 2010
Reedly Road Greenfinger - entered in Juniorclass male with exc. 2
Brad Pitt Arsnoe - entered in Juniorclass male with exc. 3
Pharaoh hound Flower of Sun Reedly Road Bahar - exc 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS & EuroWinner 2010
Sharqiya American Dream of Samba - entered in Intermediateclass female with exc.2, res.CAC
Reedly Road Euphoria - entered in Openclass female with exc 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Angel Eyes of Izida El Negma - entered in Openclass female with exc.2, res.CAC
Brigitte Bardot Arsnoe - entered in Juniorclass male with exc. 1, JCAC, best Junior & EUJW 2010

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