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Annechien Smith

basenji à placer en Luxembourg

Messages recommandés

Sabine Nagel, éleveur en Allemagne à un basenji bringe femelle à placer, qui habite Luxembourg:

je copie son message sur Facebook - elle m'a authorisé de le faire suivre; c'est an anglais:

Old Legend´s Basenjis

Old Legend´s Imago (Ch Old Legend´s Demian x Ch Arista od Kacciho potoka) *20.12.2010 is looking for a new home. Imago has a full scissorbite, she is very small (40cm) with perfect topline and wonderful clean and wide gait. Lovely head and expression, small ears. Short and very fine coat of great colour. She was tested Fanconi prob. clear. Imago does not get along with the second Basenjifemale of the household, both are of same age so teh owners decided to inform me about finding a new home for her. Imago is very well trained and super showy but she needs someone with basenji-experience. I handled her at her first show and she cooperated extremely well. I like her very much and think she has great potential for show and breeding. If interested please contact us. Imago is living in Luxembourg.

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