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Big Dan1

First Jag Clutch of 2008

Messages recommandés

From breeding a 75% IJ Jag male to a pure IJ female

Female on eggs

Eggs ready for the incubator

If all goes well we will see what the 87.5% IJ Jags look like in the next couple of months.

Looks like 26 - 28 in total no slugs, a big clutch for an IJ.



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Congrat Dan!
Even if i'm not a big morelia fan i can't wait to see those gems.
Take care

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Congrats Dan ! thumright

Me too cant wait to see the results of that clutch ! ( and the rest as well ) thumright


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Anthony.T a écrit:
Etrange, je n'avais jamais eu visuel sur des oeufs, ils sont tous attachés c'est ça ???


Salut Anthony Wink

Ils ne sont pas pondus comme ça . Ils sortent un a un mais s'empilent les uns sur les autres et la petit jus qu'ils ont sur eux les collent ensemble quelques moments après la ponte . Sinon si quelqu'un est là quand ça vient d'être pondu , tu peux les plaçer individuellement dans un incubateur .

Bonne question thumright


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awesome Dan , i was thinking to be the first with some ij egg this year...the female should drop in 10 days

good luck with incubation , you will be the first with 88% ij jag , i'm very impatient to see what they'll look

congrat and keep us posted


Q : what tub size do you use for the egg ? this is my first year breeding and i don't know exactly what i should wait

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Wow congrats!!! Can't wait to see the outcome! Wink Best of luck!

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