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Grant Crossman

Thank you Repticlic members

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I would like to personally thank all of the members of the Repticlic family that came by and supported the Montreal Reptile Expo....I believe the relationship between ReptilesCanada and Repticlic will really strengthen and assist in the growth of an allready solid group of keepers in Quebec....Lets do it again a few times more in 2009....I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Mississauga in November....

Well the camera test worked out fine....

Here are the plans of the future....Each expo will have two to four cameras that will be free standing within the halls....I am seeking out a mobile style camera to have scour the room and the tables of each vendor....

It all one of many projects to bring our style of Expo to everyone across the membership board on ReptilesCanada and Repticlic (in Ontario and Quebec)....

Again thanks to everyone that watched me lug tables in the morning and the crew of guys (some great friends) set the venue up and get all the vendors situated....Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Hill whom have some of the best geckos at the Expo's and DINO Reptiles for being in the frame for the majority of the Day....We are hoping that Norm gets rid of that scratch before his next appearance hahaha....As well hopefully by then Stav will have figured out where his table is, he was wondering around all day hahaha....

Thanks Montreal and all that attended an exciting and rapidly growing Expo....

Grant and the Expo Team

Please feel free to translate....

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Many thanks to you and your team Grant.

You guys are a great bunch, I'm allways impressed on the way these expos run so smootly.


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Thanks for bringing this expo in montreal! Your team is great! We'll be back for sure!

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Thanks to you and your team Grant for bringing another great show here in Montreal thumright Its was awsome !

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Grant Crossman a écrit:
As well hopefully by then Stav will have figured out where his table is, he was wondering around all day hahaha....

Yep ... well i must have been there for at least 15 min straight behind the table its a start ..... its part of my treatement plan in Pinel..... slowly but surely Very Happy I'm very glad to have friends Like Justin and Denis to take care of everything during my therapy Razz

See you guys at the next one thumright

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Thanks to you and your team to give us the opportunity of being a part of this! Enjoyed it just like every times! Lot's of fun!thumright

Next times, if you want some help over here to advertise give me a call... I might be able to help... Wink

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considering I was there from 10am to 3:30 pm and I wasn't a vendor, means the show was awesome!! Thanks again for coming to Montreal!!

PS...let's hope the show in March is not on a snowstorm again Smile

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"J'aimerais remercier personnelement tous les membres de la famille de Repticlic qui sont venu et qui ont donné leur support à la Reptile Expo de Montréal. Je crois que la relation entre ReptilesCanada et Repticlic s'est renforcit et que nous assisteront à la croissance d'un groupe déjà solide de collectionneurs au Québec... Répètons l'expérience en 2009... J'espère voir tout le monde à Mississauga en Novembre...

Le test avec la caméra semble avoir bien fonctionné.

Voici nos plans dans le futur. Chaque exposition devrait avoir de 2 à 4 caméras fixes à différents endroits dans la salle. Il y a aussi possibilité d'une caméra mobile pour filmer partout dans la salle et tous les vendeurs.

C'est l'un de nos nombreux projets que d'apporter ce genre d'exposition à tous les membres de ReptilesCanada et Repticlic (En Ontario et au Québec).

Encore merci à tous ceux qui m'ont regarder monter les tables le matin et à la gang (quelques bons amis) qui a organiser l'arrivée et le placement des vendeurs. Un remerciment spécial pour Mme et M. Hill qui avaient quelques uns des plus beau geckos de tout l'Expo et à DINO Reptiles qui ont été l'attraction principale pendant une bonne partie de la journée. On espère que Norm va s'être débarasser de sa scratch avant sa prochaine apparition hahaha... Et aussi que Stav va finalement avoir trouvé sa table, vu qu'il semble se l'avoir demandé toute la journée hahaha...

Merci Montréal ainsi que tout ceux qui ont participé à cette excitant et grandissant évenement...

Grant et l'équipe de l'Expo."

J'espère que c'est pas pire. C'est facile comprendre l'anglais, mais c'est autre chose de le traduire.

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