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New here, some of my ATBs

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Hey new here, first of all I apologize for typing in English, I understand french but I'm really bad at typing it and rather than butcher the language and Grammar I'm going with typing like this, atleast being on this site I can get to learn the language and Grammar better. Anyways my names Paul, and uh, here are my ATBs, lol:

5 Yearold Male:

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Another one of Renes (this ones an 08 Female, Hades was an 07 Male)

Im really looking hard for a adult/sub-adult FEMALE Atb for my big Male, if anyone knows someone who Imports or who has females for sale please let me know, thanks!

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome Smile. Hades actually looks a lot darker at times being almost purple brown colour. Does anyone know where Id maybe find some really nice Female ATBs of any age (but preferrably over two years old though I am looking for very RED ones of any age or one that looks like the one you bought Laurent) Trying to find the big guy a female for the season its hard though Razz

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well mine is an unsex i was looking for a red one like you said then found this little baby in a pet shop call magazoo i was looking at all the baby's then found this one hiding in the water bole i realy like the stunning red stripe all over is body ! RazzShocked

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