PDDM 0 Posté(e) le 17 février 2009 Sorry for putting it in two posts I didnt know there was a limit to editing so I have to put the last animals here:Tokay Geckos0.1.1 Was told the 0.0.1 was Male, but I have my doubts. Females is CB and very healthy, nice colour. Unsexed is smaller and has 1/4 of his tail regenerated. 125$ for the female, 75$ for the Unsexed, or 150$ for both. Only have a pic of the female:Stripe Tail Hogg Island Boa pair (1.1.0) Pics dont do them justice alot more pink in person, 250$ male, 300$ Female or 500$ for pair:Alright so, sorry its all in English. ALL prices of all animals is negociable, trades of all sort are negociable. I mainly want Amazon tree Boa females, Female Crested Geckos and ETBs or GTPs ( I will give alot for ETBs or GTPs) but I will look at anything and everything. Thank you. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites