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Big Dan1

Caramel Project Continues

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Last year I was lucky enough to produce some nice caramels and hets from breeding my male caramel to Stav'S/Denis's het female. I also produced a couple of more het clutches when he was bred to normal females.

This year I wanted to try something a little better

First clutch from the caramel male bred to STav's/Denis's female het

5 huge perfect eggs

Next a female pastel gravid by the caramel due to lay in about 2 weeks

Female Mojave gravid by the caramel

Lastly a female spider he has been breeding which has 6 huge follicles and should ovulate in the next week or two.

And few more cool crosses

Pastel Orange Ghost X Spider (Gravid female due to lay in the next week)

Pastel Orange Ghost X Yellow belly (female has just ovulated a day or so ago)

Gravid Pastel bred by a clown

Pastel het genetic stripe X pastel het ghost hoping for some supers in this clutch to prove out later.

My most eagerly awaited pairing pied X pin, female is very close to ovulating and has 6 big follicles in her.

Enjoy and good luck


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i like your ball they are beautiful Very Happy
give we some pictures when the eggs hatched plz Please


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Yes we want to see the baby geek

hope you will ave those you need for the futur

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Dan your projects are so HOT!

And that Caramel...damn i got to have one of those!


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Congratulations again Dan ! Cant wait to see all these come out and see all those caramel mixes after you redo the crosses !

Morelia_Canada a écrit:
Dan your projects are so HOT!

And that Caramel...damn i got to have one of those!


Je seconde Gab , à chaque fois que je le vois ce caramel là j'en salive j'en ai vu d'autres côte à côte avec ce caramel là et c'est un des caramels les plus beaux à mon avis au canada , y a aucune photo qui lui rend justice l'ayant vu en vrai il brille quasiment dans le noir avec ses mauves et jaunes Shocked

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