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two monsters exotics

woma eggs today le 14 mai

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Today I went to check on my woma as she was due to lay on the 15th but decide to lay them the 14th.
mom on eggs

eggs after taking mom off
a total of ten good eggs and two little ones that were no good

eggs in tray

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thumrightthumrightthumrightthumrightthumright Bayard

You know what , we had a Ball egg that hatched with Denis , the egg was big as a 25cent ..... the baby was tiny . Corey had some like that too he told me at that time... I'm curious to see if the small woma ones would hatch too ? They look good on the pic , is it my screen colors or are they slugs ?

Congrats Man !

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Good stuff Bayard!! Woma's really are a neat species of python! Hope they hatch for you! thumright

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I red the title and I was like, ho my god! is it true! congratulation for the clutch thumright

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wowww je vais commencer a economiser je pence affraid fait asser longtemps jen cherche des captive breed Mr.Red

belle reusite .. bonne chance pour la suite thumright

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