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09 supersalmons and salmons-individual pictures

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First off my two keepers Very Happy look at those red eyes

this on is in shed right now but still looks hot

here some other beauties

this one is also in shed

some very jungle looking Rock on

this one is also in shed just imagine this tail after he fisnish

another probable super

again in shed this one is very very light also super in my opinion

another one in shed

another super in shed

They are all 50% poss het anery

Thanks for looking


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stop teasing me vlad haha can't wait to get my litle femelle Wink ... your first keeper look exacly like the father haha !! that's the one your where talking about haha very good choice of keepers haha thumright

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Superb Vlad ! very nice abherancies Shocked

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Thanks for the nice comments! Here another one I forgot to show
this one can easily beat most of the jungles out there He is into his first shed cycle in this picture!


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