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Grant Crossman

Guest Speakers for the CRBE

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This is the tentative schedule for guest speakers at the CRBE on September 19th and 20th. The speakers listed have been confirmed and as they send me their topic titles I will post them here.

The area situated for the talks will be on the west side of the hall with the restaurant. Announcements through out the day will be made to ensure everyone attending will be given ample notice of the upcoming speaker. One lucky participant at each talk will go home with a signed official CRBE shirt compliment of the speaker….

Guest Speakers

Saturday September 19th

11:00 am – Opening comments Mike Beri

11:10 am – Philippe Lamarre topic Epicrates

12:00 pm – TBA

12:45 pm – Julie Tougas topic Turtes

1:45 pm – Brian Barczyk SnakeBytes

2:55 pm – Bry Loyst topic Antivenim Bank the Importance Of

3:30 pm - Enviroment Canada, CITES

Sunday September 20th

11:15 am – Craig Stewart

12:00 pm – TBA

12:55 pm – Roy Stockwell workshop on Incubators

1:45 pm – Mark Orfus topic Rhacodactylus

2:25 pm - Harry O Chroma Chameleons topic Panther Chameleons

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look very interesting grant! what does CRBE mean? where will it be presented? I mean in wich city?

sorry for my poor english Embarassed

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