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Pearl Island Boas

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here my pair of pure blooded Boa constrictor sabogae.They both are produced by Rio Bravo Reptiles


and female

Thanks for looking

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Superman81 a écrit:
Incredible !!!! How are these boa different ?? can you explain

math C'est des boas qui sont naturellement hypomelanistique !!! si ca peu taidé un peu Wink Vlad those snake are simply amazing !!! how did you get a pair of those boas...they are quite rare ! lolll the reverse one is fantastique !!! love those natural hypo locality !!! look better then most of the super salmon

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Pour la taxonomie et des diagnostics des sous-espèces, je te conseille le site suivant. Tu y trouveras une mine d'information très intéressante sur les sous-espèces de boa contricteurs; ils expliquent comment différencier les ssp. Cependant je me dois d'ajouter que le site est en anglais...

Salut a +


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Vraiment tres beau!!! Ca fait du bien de voir des boas qui ne sont vraiment pas fréquent par ici!!

Le male est vraiment hallucinant!!!

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Thanks everyone for the kind comments!!!

superman81 a écrit:
Incredible !!!! How are these boa different ?? can you explain

As Laurent told you those are natural hypos and have tendency to reduced patterns.Their eyes have incredible orange- red color different from other hypos.My pair stay slander than other hypos(colombian cross or centrals) I have with the same amount of food.Also they never ever try to bite and I haven't seen him in defense position at all.They are different to handle and very fast they try to escape from you all the time.I find their behavior very similar to the corn island boas


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