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3 Reptiles a Vendre

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Im Posting This Ad in Multiple places, so to save time I wrote it in English first than copy pasted it, you can reach me at And I understand french fine, and Ill respond back to you in french.

As you can tell by the pics shes very very yellow. She did have eating Issues about a month and a half ago, shes currently eating adult mice, she would take live then a frozen but shes been weaned off that now and is eating 1 adult mouse a week. 300$ Negociable also looking at trades for Crested Geckos, Leopard Gecko phases, Adult female BPs, OR an Adult FEMALE JCP or one that is at least 2.5 years old. Will look at all offers and trades.

Very Tame Male Coloured ATB. Very Handleable, and gentle for an Amazon Tree Boa. I need to thin out the collection and since my Adult Female will be taking a year off I want this guy to go to a nice home. Willing to trade for adult female BPs, Different Phases of Leopard Geckos, Crested Geckos or carpet pythons. Or 145$ is all Im asking. He is 5 feet long. Will look at all offers and/or trades.

Proven Male Crestie, he gets pretty dark, nice cream colour on his back, very very crowned, dalmatian spotting too asking 145$, negociable, or trades on other cresties, leopard geckos, adult female bps, etc. thanks

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