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question, crested et oeuf

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Bon alors voila, vous vous souvenez peut etre que javais perdue dans ma maison une crested femelle qui avait des cocos... Alors voila je lai retrouvée apres une semaine encore top shape!!! Le ick cest quelle etait encore enorme donc avait probablement pas pondu( elle etait du justement a ce moment la) ... Je l'ai fait accoupler le 30 aout et elle a pondue ses oeufs le 6 novembre!!!!!!!!!!... Alors voila ce quejaimerais savoir cest est ce que elle peut avoir de sproblemes face au fait quelle a retenues ses oeufs?.. et pourquoi elle laurait fait aussi longtmeps, quand je lai retrouvée elle avait son pot de vermiculite et tout et tout, et jai fini par lui enlever, et elle a pondu sur les essuies tout ... aussi, jai un des deux oeufs qui semble avoir grossi car je lai placé dans la vermiculite... cest reelement possible?? bref je voudrais massurrer quelle nauras pas de problemes face a la retenue de ses oeufs...

dapres vous?

merci beaucoup

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You might need the translator at the top of the page, but I think I may know the reason why your Gecko didn't drop her eggs for so long. It might have been your lay box. You said it was a container with vermiculite in it--how big was the container? Also where did you place the entrance of the lay box? A lot of people put it in the side of the container, I prefer to put it on top so that they go into a little burrow rather than into a cave. For my lay box I use a big Margrine container with a hole about 2 inches in diameter on the top. I fill it with 3 inches of Repashy Super Hatch (But vermiculite/perlite mix works too). The reason she waited so long is she maybe just didn't like the lay box. Reptiles can be very fussy about where they lay their eggs, even Cresteds. So she probably just held them back til' she couldn't and then finally laid them.

Now as for one egg seeming to grow fast and you noticing it getting bigger very quickly, you may have too much water in the incubating container as eggs absorb the moisture (or the eggs could have been dehydrated when you put them in there thus being smaller than they usually would be, but once coming in contact with all that moisture absorbed it and thus seemed to grow.

I've had this type of thing where one egg seems a lot bigger later on (after a month of incubation) than the others. This one egg I had was HUGE in comparison to another siblings egg. The egg hatched and was full of unabsorbed yolk (that's why I think the egg was so much bigger than the others) and the baby was tiny and had deformed feet... This seems to be happening again..

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OK thanks!! heum for the little box, i had vermiculite... So if I understand theres no problem for my crested, i lost the egg but it's ok, i only want my femelle feeling good. Thank you i'll fallow these advise !!

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tybyby, moi aussi ma femelle a pondue après un très long bout de temps. Je me suis fait dire que certaines espèces de gecko pouvaient garder en quelque sorte les spermatozoides dans un poche et les utiliser quand elle le voudrait... Je ne sais pas si quelqu'un pourrait confirmer !

Merci !

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Bin je peut confirmer que pour les gecko léopard que ma femelle pouvais pondre plusieur fois en etant accoupler qu'une seule fois mais pour les crested je ne sais pas

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Babycaro a écrit:
Bin je peut confirmer que pour les gecko léopard que ma femelle pouvais pondre plusieur fois en etant accoupler qu'une seule fois mais pour les crested je ne sais pas

meme chose

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