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Blood Blisters in Boa Mouth

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I have an issue.

I took out Ayres, my 07 poss. het albino today for a little "out of cage" visit with me, and I was checking around her mouth, which I do regularly and I spotted this:

Its as if blood is under the first layer of the gumline... it worries me some. there is no substrate or anything abrasive in her enclosure.
Any Idea to what it could be and what to do? :\


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Maybe he lost two teeth when he has bited a prey ?! so the blood came out off the hole made by the teeth lost?

just a hypothesis...

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Hey ashley Wink

C'est dûr de voir seulement avec la photo .... faudrais que tu ouvre la bouche et le prendre en photo voir si y aurais pas autre chose aussi ....

Ça se peut que ce soit un début de stomatite ..... mouthrot ou bien simplement des dents qui ont cassées et qui poussent de travers ....

Si c,est enflé aussi faudrais voir ....

Moi j'attendrais un peu et si ça empire je l,ammènerais chez le vet ....... ( si la consistance change , enflure , coloration etc... )

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thanks Stav.

I am going to wait a bit, I checked her mouth today it was a bit more red around the area, but not swollen. Yesterday the inside of her mouth was fine though. I am not home most of the day but I go home to check on my reptiles everyday. I will try and get more photos tomorrow. I do have some Forzyn (I dont know how to spell it) which is antibiotics... so if antibiotics is recommended from the vet I will use that. Hopefully it was just broken teeth

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