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Morsure FWC (false water cobra).

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Il ne l'a pas manqué !!

C'est un ''rear fang'' et il a eu un cas connu de morsure qui a mené a des dommages permanents a un bras:

Citation :
The late John Foden was unfortunate to receive a bite from an adult on his arm. He told me he thought little of it at the time, until the arm swelled dramatically. Within a couple of hours he felt very poorly with a fever and severe nausea. Over the following days tissue damage occurred around the area of the bite, and a feeling of being generally unwell lasted for several days. Some time later he still complained of discomfort, and was left permanently with a disfigured arm.

Merci mec de partagé ce vidéo

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Ophidioman a écrit:
Moi je dirais wow, un gars qui aime les serpents autant que moi !!! lolll

je pense qu'on est tous un peu comme ca pas mal beaucoup meme dans mon cas

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c une bonne manier d observer un snake lolll

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Marc Dubois a écrit:
Il ne l'a pas manqué !!

C'est un ''rear fang'' et il a eu un cas connu de morsure qui a mené a des dommages permanents a un bras:

Citation :
The late John Foden was unfortunate to receive a bite from an adult on his arm. He told me he thought little of it at the time, until the arm swelled dramatically. Within a couple of hours he felt very poorly with a fever and severe nausea. Over the following days tissue damage occurred around the area of the bite, and a feeling of being generally unwell lasted for several days. Some time later he still complained of discomfort, and was left permanently with a disfigured arm.

Merci mec de partagé ce vidéo

Regardes moi ce que j'ai trouvé Marc....
Citation :
In fact, all what's write in upper post have been said to put Marc Dubois in the wrong direction. The late John Foden arm have been disfigured by a nose shit. John put is arm too far in is nose, after been cut with a piece of charming toilet paper while he was cleaning is ass.

Is nose shit was so big and infected that it's expose at John Foden museum, next to the washed charming paper piece.

The closet inside my head, p-26227, 2009.


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justin a écrit:

The closet inside my head, p-26227, 2009.

Je savais qu'il y avait pas mal de truc dans ta tête Justin, mais 26 227 pages et +!! Cibole, t'en prends en notes des affaires! haha...

Moi j'ai juste une mémoire de 6.5 pages... Donc, j'efface constament...

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Ouin mais Nick tu me connais assez pour savoir que tout ce que je retiens, c'est classé tout croche et les histoire sont raconté tout mélangé.

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justin a écrit:

Regardes moi ce que j'ai trouvé Marc....
Citation :
In fact, all what's write in upper post have been said to put Marc Dubois in the wrong direction. The late John Foden arm have been disfigured by a nose shit. John put is arm too far in is nose, after been cut with a piece of charming toilet paper while he was cleaning is ass.

Is nose shit was so big and infected that it's expose at John Foden museum, next to the washed charming paper piece.

The closet inside my head, p-26227, 2009.


sti té con mec.

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Voici ce que Nigel pense de son vidéo

Dear Meg,

Thank you for your inquiry about my false water cobra encounter. Firstly I
must admit it was a silly thing to do, letting the snake bite me in the heat
of the moment during filming! I knew its venom was meant to be mildly toxic, but of course there could have been geographical or individual variations in toxicity.
Also it was only after the event that I found out that zoos and other
keepers of water cobras like yourself treat them with great caution. Anyhow, stupidity aside, luckily no harm was done.
You can see from the Youtube clip that I bled profusely, presumably due to an anti-coagulant component in the venom. My hand swelled up within ten minutes of the envenomation (pictures attached), but the pain was not very intense, a dull throb. There was no sickness or fainting (I continued filming on a night shoot straight after the bite) and by the next morning (12 hours after the bite), the swelling had virtually disappeared. I slept well, the after-effects did not keep me awake.
I just have a small scar on my finger from the injury caused by the chewing
Hope all this helps.

Best wishes,


Here are the photos that he sent me:


Posté par MegF sur

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Vraiment cool d'avoir l'histoire de Nigel lui-même!

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Exellent video justin!
Mais le gars dans le video c moi ou il a des air de George W. Bush loll.

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