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Sale on some Beautiful Snakes

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1.0.0 RED ATB, no pattern Produced by WYZ (300$):

2.0.0 Male ATBs 1 is 6 Years Old Yellow male with a kink in his tail, perfectly healthy not a genetic-defect his tail just got caught in the exo terra door once. Proven Breeder 50$ Gray ATB 07 Male produced by WYZ, 85$ Both for 120$

Female ATB Tri-Coloured, ;08 produced by WYZ, 200$:

'08 Male Jungle Jaguar carpet Python Amazing Eater 850$

1.1.0 Biak Green Tree Pythons (Both '08, Male is very tame female is NOT, female has a lot of green on her) 650$ Each or pair for 1000$

2" King Baboon (Citharischius crawshayi) 45$

G.Pulchra near 4" 100$

Also have A 4"+ Female H.Mac (Starburst Baboon) for 75$, a Cobalt Blue 4+ Inch Female for 45$ and a Bolivian Dwarf for 20$, a baby (1"+) h mac and baby OBT for 15$ each

Im only accepting trades for large arboreal cages or Emerald Tree Boas or Mature female Jungle Carpet Pythons.

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