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Rob McRobbie1

Les oeufs!!!!

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Even if they're not born yet, I wanna get the first choice! Haha! Let us know when they'll be ready! Razz

Migaelle et Miguel

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hoooo yes this time again ...

good luck (not that you need some ) haaaha GREEN MACHINE

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Félicitations Rob !

Another great year for you thumright

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Nice work again!!

I was wondering how long do you wait before you get a femelle GTP pregnant again? Or is this just a matter of weigth?

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This one has bred 2 seasons back to back and is getting this next year off... I would say they should have every second year off.... One thing I should add however, is if you take the female off the eggs, that is 60 days more they are able to put weight back on... This should not make the keep er think females can be bred year after year after year....


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