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Messages recommandés

I prefer the second one ! The colors make me think of the uniform of the army O.O

They are both amazing!

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Manu a écrit:
I like the coloration of the first one... So dark! Nice

I'm more partial to light ones that show the pattern for some reason

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angel a écrit:
Manu a écrit:
I like the coloration of the first one... So dark! Nice

I'm more partial to light ones that show the pattern for some reason

Too many out there show the patterns, that is why i like different coloration ones!

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Manu a écrit:
angel a écrit:
Manu a écrit:
I like the coloration of the first one... So dark! Nice

I'm more partial to light ones that show the pattern for some reason

Too many out there show the patterns, that is why i like different coloration ones!

My girlfriend likes em dark too, funny cause my favourite crested is as DARK HARLEY, talk about internal conflict!!!

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