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Nos nouveaux bébés !!!

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Vive l'expo de Pointe-Claire !! Mon copain et moi avons trouvé exactement ce que nous cherchions! Femelle albino et mâle Bumblebee. Et voilà! Y sont beau hein? Wink

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Superbe !!! Laughing A quand le piedbald (petit inside de hier hahahhaa ). Félicitations c'est un superbe achat !!

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j'aime bien le design degradé sur la tete du bublebee

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Assez fou !!! Le albino est très beau et éclatant, pas fade comme certains !

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philstef a écrit:
De qui a tu finalement acheté ton bumble bee!?

C'était au kiosque de SAFARI mais le gars m'A dit que c'est lui-même qui l'avait produit. Je l'ai bien dealé en plus! Razz

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I was the guy who sold you the bee, it was from my collection but not me that produced it. I was trying to tell you that the bee came from Mark Mandic at . but my french is bad sorry lol.

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PDDM a écrit:
I was the guy who sold you the bee, it was from my collection but not me that produced it. I was trying to tell you that the bee came from Mark Mandic at . but my french is bad sorry lol.

No prob Smile And we bought the one that we wanted so ... Very Happy thank you again!

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Reptivalou a écrit:
PDDM a écrit:
I was the guy who sold you the bee, it was from my collection but not me that produced it. I was trying to tell you that the bee came from Mark Mandic at . but my french is bad sorry lol.

No prob Smile And we bought the one that we wanted so ... Very Happy thank you again!

No problem, you did get a good deal on him, but I could tell you really wanted him hope you have good plans for him! Using the same money I got from you I got a big female Lessr so everyone won!

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PDDM a écrit:
Reptivalou a écrit:
PDDM a écrit:
I was the guy who sold you the bee, it was from my collection but not me that produced it. I was trying to tell you that the bee came from Mark Mandic at . but my french is bad sorry lol.

No prob Smile And we bought the one that we wanted so ... Very Happy thank you again!

No problem, you did get a good deal on him, but I could tell you really wanted him hope you have good plans for him! Using the same money I got from you I got a big female Lessr so everyone won!

Nice!! Lesser is our next one! Very Happy

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