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eric hasler

1st clutch of the year

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these were just laid on 04/02/10 and have high hopes on all except the 1 on the top row but will leave it until it becomes very noticable it is no good...anybody wanna guess what they are?

ps:pass the relish
pps:duck roy duck
ppps:fish cages
pppps:splinters in arboreal snakes

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Those look pretty big and somewhat "texturized". Am I right? Drymarchon?

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Ophidioman a écrit:
Huummm... maybe okeetee !??? Congrats !

not okeetee but will be using them as starter food for the babies when they hatch...yum...nir good guess and i can't wait,very excited about this clutch.

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Easter indigo !! Great !

Citation :
not okeetee but will be using them as starter food for the babies when they hatch...yum...

I would make the same thing too for drymarchon if I would have it !!

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eric hasler a écrit:
Ophidioman a écrit:
Huummm... maybe okeetee !??? Congrats !

not okeetee but will be using them as starter food for the babies when they hatch...yum...nir good guess and i can't wait,very excited about this clutch.

I thought they looked Dry enough! Can't wait to see hatching pics!

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