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2008 100% Het Granite Male Irian Jaya Carpet Python

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Alright so I am putting my Male 2008 Het Granite up for grabs. Great deal on this guy, He could very possibly breed this winter. He eats both rats and Jumbo adult Mice (though he prefers mice, if feeding adult mice he'll feed for me every 5 days, whereas rats he is a bit more reluctant to eat twice a week). I bought this little dude off of Don Patterson who got it from Oli of Precision Reptiles and I have been guaranteed that it is a het. The snake, HOWEVER does seem to have two very small kinks in its tail, Ive been assured by Don that its not Genetic and the snake mustve suffered some kind of mechanical damage at some point, neither I nor Don are sure how or when it happened. The kinks are so slight you have to position the snake in a certain way to see them, this shouldnt affect his ability to breed at all. Im offering him up cheap (much less than I had paid) because I will be getting a '10 Granite for my '09 Female 100% Het Granite at the CRBE, But I do not NEED to sell this animal as I can just keep him and create possible hets and such this winter or if my Female gets there breed him to her in Winter 2011-12. That being said 300 is NOT the final Price and delivery to the CRBE is possible Ill be in the area September 17th to the 19th. At this time Im looking for cash or ball python morphs or adult Jungle Carpet Python Females, Ill take into consideration other carpets too. Thank you.

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