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Carpet Pythons!

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Just started my two week vacation and I was kinda bored and kind of anxious for the CRBE, so to kill some of that anxiety I took out the carpets and screwed around with the camera! Heres the Carpet collection so far, this winter will only be my first attempt at breeding (Jungle Jag x Jungle) but the 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons should be very interesting. Lets start off with Simba, this is the first time I havent used the flash taking pictures of him, kinda blurry and the neon light in his pvc cage exaggerates his yellow a little bit:

Here is Strudel and she will(obviously) be put with Simba this breeding season, she aint the prettiest of Jungles but she'll be making Jags anyway.

Next up are my pair of 100% Het Granites, Perseus ('08 male) and Medusa ('09) female. Perseus is a very shy carpet, he loves to run away and hide as soon as I open his tub. Medusa stands and fights 24/7, she is the only one of my snakes that I am reluctant to handle, she loves food, maybe too much and likes to bite me even more.


Medusa, got a blurry tongue shot but a tongue shot nonetheless, not that its hard to catch her flicking her tongue, she watches my every mood gets up in an "S" and lets the tongue go wild. Hopefully Perseus' shyness and "scaredy-catness" will even out Medusas "rip-Your Face off" and theyre babies will be nice and mellow Razz, jk.

And now, the 2010 1.1 Possible Het Granite Irian Jaya Jaguar Carpet Pythons (thats a long name). These snakes have some of the coolest eyes Ive ever seen (tried to show em off in pics but did a bad job) Their eyes are so copper in colour, it looks like fresh pennies in person.


And Koda, my favourite besides Simba. I wasn't really looking for anymore males, but this guys drop dead Gorgeous even if he doesnt prove out Granite (hes 66% and Kierras also 66% so HOPEFULLY I dont have crap odds and one of them proves out atleast) I'll still keep him, My pictures arent great of him but in the ones don sent me right from when he was born he looked white and his jag patterns red.

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