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CBB Emerald Tree Boa MALE and FEMALE Sunglow BCI

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Well these are my last Boas left. Two fantastic eaters and examples of their respective species. Its no secret to anyone that Im trying to focus on Carpet pythons now--unfortunately that means parting with my beautiful boas.

1) Emerald Tree Boa, 11 months old was produced by Port Credit Pets, been with me since the last Montreal reptile expo in March (2010). Male. Voracious eater eating a frozen mouse hopper or rat fuzzy every 7 days. Fantastic handling snake, very easy to manage never has attempted to bite me. Hes nearing the end of his colour change. I can include his terarium (exo-terra 12 x 12 x 18 and accesories inside but NOT the lamp) for an additional 30$, but he will need an upgrade very soon. Emerald - 525$ w/cage 555$ I also have all of his feeding and shedding records.

2) Sunglow Boa Constrictor 2010. Produced by Bayard at two monsters exotics. Purchased by me May 30th at the Ottawa reptile expo. She eats like a MONSTER on 60 Gram rats and will eat in shed sometimes even twicea week. Shes nearing 500grams. Very easy to handle, not shy--even comes out during the day. The reds/oranges on her tail are coming out very nicely. Very Pretty girl she will be 700$. I also have all her feeding and shedding records.

I will accept trades on the following: PVC cages atleast 4 feet long 2 feet wide and 1 foot tall. Heating elements such as ultratherms, radiant heat panels, heat lamps and globes. Also I am willing to accept SOME snakes. Female Adult Jungles, Diamond Jungle Jaguar carpet Pythons, Diamond Pythons, and other carpet morphs, such as Tiger Coastals, Snowflake Jags, Caramels and I will accept SOME female Ball Python Morphs. I also will trade for functional rack systems. Other than this though i am NOT looking for anything else besides money. THANK YOU

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