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Male Eastern Indigo w/ Sly Plastic Cage.

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Due to a project Im trying to get going off the ground I am selling my Male Eastern Indigo, it is CB and very tame amazing snake LOVES to eat, one problem though is he has a pretty good kink in his tail passed his cloaca. I was told that the snake had it from when the origional owner received it--probably happened due to an incubation error. That being said, this Big Beautiful guy is up for sale at 475$ and for 800$ Ill include the Sly Plastic hes in, (24 x 24 x 24) with all the stock inside, Radiant Heat Panel, Neon lamp and bulb tourched PVC Perches, Cork, Driftwood and water bowl all for 800$. The ONLY trades Im interested in are Granite Carpet pythons 100% het Granite Carpet Pythons or DESIGNER Jags (Preferrably DJJ And Jeff Favelle Line) or Gorgeous Jungles maybe Bredli... Also will trade for 48 x 24 x 24 PVC Cages PREFERRABLY White. Thank you.

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