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False Cobra Watering

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AKA The 2 newest of the clan... 1.1 FWC!

P.S I dont believe the whole False water cobras are dimorphic thing.. its not true in my opinion. Funny how people never looked into it. A friend of mine has "yellow" and "grey" FWC.....people say females are yellow and males are grey etc..

Thennnn why does he have a pair of yellows and a pair of greys? Why are the yellow ones heads more oval, rounder and "raised higher" (the greys have a "flatter" head that isnt as round) and why do they have a different scale count on the head as well as a slightly different pattern? IMO one is H. gigas and one is H. bicinctus...which is idea! I could only imagine there is alot of crosses as well..

anyway done with my rant, PHOTOS

A friend was my model tongue

Typhoon, male FWC

Tsunami, 8 foot female....she touches the ceiling lol

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woah! Tsunami is HUGE! Your couple looks pretty tame... We couldn't do shit with the one my friend had... She would strike every 2 seconds and stand like a real cobra, it was awesome. You should try to piss em off a bit and take pics! Best of luck with them!! thumright

PS. Hydrodynastes Gigas are the yellow ones I think.

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Amy a écrit:
woah! Tsunami is HUGE! Your couple looks pretty tame... We couldn't do shit with the one my friend had... She would strike every 2 seconds and stand like a real cobra, it was awesome. You should try to piss em off a bit and take pics! Best of luck with them!! thumright

PS. Hydrodynastes Gigas are the yellow ones I think.

LOL Ive heard of nasty Hydrodynastes..never seen one though! Ive had experience with quite a few other adults , subadults, and babies including 2 straight from the egg...never have they been really aggressive.

I agree with the yellow being gigas....they seem to be more common and gigas tend to be the more common name out there? I love the grey ones moreso either way! Not a huge fan of the yellow ones.

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deadvenom-x a écrit:
Amy a écrit:
woah! Tsunami is HUGE! Your couple looks pretty tame... We couldn't do shit with the one my friend had... She would strike every 2 seconds and stand like a real cobra, it was awesome. You should try to piss em off a bit and take pics! Best of luck with them!! thumright

PS. Hydrodynastes Gigas are the yellow ones I think.

LOL Ive heard of nasty Hydrodynastes..never seen one though! Ive had experience with quite a few other adults , subadults, and babies including 2 straight from the egg...never have they been really aggressive.

I agree with the yellow being gigas....they seem to be more common and gigas tend to be the more common name out there? I love the grey ones moreso either way! Not a huge fan of the yellow ones.

I've heard a lot of people say the ones they had we're really tame... At that time, I was looking to buy a pair, but then I got pregnant and decided to keep reasonable snakes instead (very severe laws where I currently reside...)
But I would definetly look for a Bicinctus in the years to come, I just can't believe how BAD ASS they are!

That's exactly the reason why I think Gigas are the yellow ones, cause they are just plain too common and I've never seen any Bicinctus in captivity also.

BTW, The pictures are really awesome, I just love the markings and the colors of this species. They are simply amazing!
Don't hesitate to post more pictures of them from time to time! Very Happy (and the rest of the collection as well)

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Wow, very interresting and beautiful snakes !

The baby is evil !

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