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Irian Jaya Jags PH Granite Low Price

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Im selling my two Irian Jayas that are 66% Possible Heterozygous for Granite. I purchased them from Donald Patterson in late July. Ive included pictures of trhem when they just arrived and a picture of how they looked last night. They are a bit dark looking but are fantastic feeding animals. The male is the lighter one. Ive included a picture of there brother (a Granite Jag Sib) who is not for sale. These snakes are pounding down 20-30 gram rats. The female is significantly larger than the male. I can provide weights and feedng records if needed. Theyre both 300$. Take both for 500$. Ill accept trades for a 2010 male Bredli, or a GTP. Besides that Ill accept trades for racks and PVC caging other than that Im not interested in any other trades.

Shipping available through Reptile Express.

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