PDDM 0 Posté(e) le 26 janvier 2011 Hello everyone due to a very unfortunate circumstance I had a buyer for this guy back in November who had backed out, So Hes back up for sale and im taking best offers on this beautiful sanke that normally would be 1000$ .Background Information:Apparently it always had the kink in the tail. Its apparently 8 years old. Its very active, very tame only drawback: DEFECATES like crazy, every 4 days. It has a CRAZY feeding response (check picture of him eating 70 gram rat, BACKWARDS). The Kink in his tail doesnt affect him in anyway. That being said... The kink is about an inch behind his cloaca, So im not sure if his penes are affected. Owners had told me it wasnt genetic but rather messed up incubation temps so I dont think the kinking would be hereditery, BUT I dont know for sure. So if you want him hes yours for the right price or offer (trade for other animals perhaps?), because asmost of you probably know these snakes, kinked or not ARE very rare and even babies still sell for high dollar.Please note if you offer to trade animals, you will pay shipping for both animals.Shipping is available through reptiles express at the buyers expense. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites