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Mr Blitzkrieg was in one crabby mood the other day when I was cleaning his enclosure..and geez he has grown since he was a little worm...what...almost 2 years ago? Crazy! He used to be a sweet little he knows what he can do and well, is the devil in disguise :p

The day I brought him home, june 23rd 2009

my what big eyes you have..

and this week pushing 4-4.5'

His eyes burn with rage :rolleyes:

I definitely need a bigger can he launch himself!

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Très beau spécimen, il a l'air de ne pas manquer de caractère Wink

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il est vraiment superbe!! je l'adore Very Happy

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reptilX a écrit:
awsome boiga! have you ever been biten? or did he attempt to Laughing

Blitz ALWAYS tries to bite me, However, my green cat snake has... 100% my fault. She would never take food from me, so I always left it in the cage at night and put it on a branch. One day I went to do that (no tongs...that was the problem) and she decided that she wanted to take food right away....and that was my finger... Confused

To my knowledge, Boiga cyanea have the least potent venom, so I was lucky was just so damn hard to get her off! It was like a bulldog. I had to first untwist her from the branches with one hand then run 5 flights down the stairs to get the listerine to put in her mouth. Nothing else worked. Not even water lol

It doesnt look that bad in the photos as the flash made the colors not show that much, but it HURT. Hopefully, never again! Especially my melanota.

The bite:

one hour later

The next morning

2 hours after
* Note the red line moving in the next 2 photos

the line "moving"....1 hour later

5 hours later

The next morning

It started to get better after did that hurt. 100% my fault, but it was interesting... This all happened last year in June.

The one who wanted my finger for dinner:

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bistrobob85 a écrit:
Haha, would you happen to be into Deathstars, by any chance?


hahaha yep! That is how I got Blitz's name(and thread title!) originally....listening to that song... Blitzkrieg = Lightning War (He's fast, aggressive and kinda has lightning bolts on him?) so it worked!

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deadvenom-x a écrit:
bistrobob85 a écrit:
Haha, would you happen to be into Deathstars, by any chance?


hahaha yep! That is how I got Blitz's name(and thread title!) originally....listening to that song... Blitzkrieg = Lightning War (He's fast, aggressive and kinda has lightning bolts on him?) so it worked!

Haha, great name, and great song Smile. I'm also a big fan of Last Ammunition and Black Medecine Smile.


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