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Best deal of the Week?

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This is a Hypo Nicaraguan boa I "rescued" 3 months back.

This was a Boa I had sold to a client of the pet store I work at and the animal was meant to be a show animal in a coffee table terrarium. It had stopped eating 6 months ago and he gave it to me where I took it home discovered it had mites (like a lot). Ive treated it, it is back nailing 60 Gram rats like theyre going out of style, his weights been put back on and, he is freshly shed, pictures in this ad are from March 24th. Not the cleanest looking Hypo (I cant remember whos line it is..Im thinking stav but I honestly have no idea) But in my opinion one of the prettiest Nics Ive seen, lots of yellow and pink on him. Hes around 3 years old and a proven breeder. Hes at his adult size and will likely not get much bigger (4.5 feet) If you have limited space why get a ball python when you can have a nice compact sized Boa?!

Notes: He has a scab-like bump on his side very small less than 1/2 inch. Its gone down considerably and is hardly noticeable, Im thinking his previous owner fed live...

Im selling this guy at a very low price just to break even on the mite(NIX) treatment, food and heating and setting up his cage. Id say no lowballers but at 120, I think its a great deal. Oh and one last thing. He has the great Nicaraguan attitude, not aggressive but occasionally very pissy.

ONLY 120$!

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