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4 Little Monsters...

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They cause trouble wherever they go :p

Well, 2 do!

Just a few photos I took this morning....

8' Female gigas sitting in what was her nest box. I had/have a feeling she may have another clutch brewing but she is just to darn big to really tell. Her last clutch only had 2 good eggs due to hatch April 6th.

The male gigas...only about 5-6' maybe? very well tempered compared to the female. I can actually pet him without being lunch and running away like a chicken :p ( I do get chased by the female on occasion LOL)

Azrael, female B. cyanea, 4.5-5' or so

Blitzkrieg, male B. d. melanota, goofy photo, the water drop makes him looks like he has a beak. pushing 5'

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simoncools a écrit:
ses quoi les condition pour avoir le permis de serpent venimeux ?

Permis de zoo entre autre au Québec (qui est relativement difficile à obtenir) ! En fait c'est beaucoup plus les conditions d'optentions qui sont difficiles à remplir.

Pour l'Ontario je ne pourrais te dire mais aux dernières nouvelles, à certaines places, ils étaient légaux sans permis dans cette province.

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