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Some Animals I will have at the Expo Next Sunday

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I will be vending with Safari Pets at the expo, but i will also be selling some of my own personal collection, Heres what Im selling:

Carpet Pythons:

First up I have a MALE 2011 Jungle Jag (87.5%Jungle 12.5% coastal) who is actually already quite tame and feed on f/t mice. 225$ for him.

Second up is the Jag Sibling to the above snake (87.5% Jungle and 12.5% Coastal) also a male with a very nice stripe all the way down his back with very few breaks in it. 100$ takes him. Also feeding on f/t mice.

Third Up we have the sire to the two babies above. A 2008 75% Jungle jaguar produced by Two Monsters Exotics. Feeding on both f/t rats and mice. 275$ takes him.

Fourth up is a 2004 Adult Female Jungle (100% Pure produced by Jeff Favelle) She is the female that produced the two babies above. 300$ Takes her she feeds good on xxl f/t rats and is very handleable and tame as a puppy dog.


Adult Male amelanistic Cornsnake (2007) This guy is very pretty. About 4 feet long, very thick for a male eats f/t Mice. Hes 3 yearsold. I can include his 29 gallon with waterbowl for a grand total of 100$. If the snake is to be shipped obviously i cant include the cage. Thank you.

Hypo Nicaraguan Boa Male Adult, very beautiful...120 before show, 150$ at show.

Thank you, and everyone please stop by Safaris Booth to say hello!

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