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Humm...encore tout gluant

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Un bon ratio d'une portée de 8 oeufs, 4 beaux Champagnes Het-Hypo 50% Het-Albino.

Merci Very Happy

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oh boy non franchement ceux-là je les trouve vraiment pas beau, ont dirais qu'ils ont été trempé dans de l'eau de javelle pour ensuite avoir été saucé dans un restant de paté chinois mélanger avec du ketchup et qu'ensuite ils sont resté comme ça, désolé les boys mais ceux là je suis pas capable lol

Parcontre leur petit frère régulier sont vraiment beau! Very Happy


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Leiopython a écrit:
oh boy non franchement ceux-là je les trouve vraiment pas beau, ont dirais qu'ils ont été trempé dans de l'eau de javelle pour ensuite avoir été saucé dans un restant de paté chinois mélanger avec du ketchup et qu'ensuite ils sont resté comme ça, désolé les boys mais ceux là je suis pas capable lol

Parcontre leur petit frère régulier sont vraiment beau! Very Happy



je voulais poster de quoi de similaire, mais je me suis abstenu (comme je le fais souvent) ..... Je vois pas ce qu'il y a de beau à massacrer génétiquement une espèce.... c'est PR là n'ont même plus l'air de PR .....

Je me demande toujours quand est-ce que la phase rose bonbon avec des pois bleus va sortir ???

Je suis tout de même content Eyecu pour ta ponte, c'est toujours quelque chose de très spécial lorsque ça arrive..... et à part les PR morphé (OGM) est-ce qu'il y a d'autres serpents que tu reproduis?

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Sérieusement Eyecu sait très bien que j'ai rien contre les morph et y en a certaine que je trouve vraiment belle et j'ai moi-même des morphs de corns que je compte reproduire, mais ceux-là je les trouve juste vraiment laid lol


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Champagne WOWOWOW.... super beau ..

De l'eau de Javel ??? .. come on XD lolll

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I actually find champagnes to be one of the nicest of the co-dom ball python, and I like Mimosas even better, which those would make, plus ph albino? Very nice!!!

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Leiopython a écrit:
oh boy non franchement ceux-là je les trouve vraiment pas beau, ont dirais qu'ils ont été trempé dans de l'eau de javelle pour ensuite avoir été saucé dans un restant de paté chinois mélanger avec du ketchup et qu'ensuite ils sont resté comme ça, désolé les boys mais ceux là je suis pas capable lol

Parcontre leur petit frère régulier sont vraiment beau! Very Happy


+1... vraiment horrible, ils ont l'air malade... Par contre les autre plus normal sont pas mal cute Wink

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si vous aimez fine si vous aimez pas fermez vos yeules ... osti le gars est content de les avoir pis la moitier des reponse sont negative ... caliss que vous etes vraiment poche desoler de vous petez votre criss de bullle mais chacun ses gout si vous etes pas content ben passer droit sans laisser d'osti de commentaire de mardes ... calisser moi un avertissement pour mauvais language je m'en fou ... mais ca serais bien que ceux qui sont ici pour denigrer les autres en recoivent aussi

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Personne ici ne dénigre ces efforts... c'est super qu'il ai réussi à obtenir cette phase! Ont dit juste qu'on ne trouve pas ca beau loll, désolé si ca te déplait eyecu

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cowboy xav a écrit:

+1... vraiment horrible, ils ont l'air malade... Par contre les autre plus normal sont pas mal cute Wink

une chance que personne ici ne denigre ... je vais m'abstenir de tout autre commentaire pcq je pourrais devenir vraiment tres offensant

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GuerillaMarc a écrit:
si vous aimez fine si vous aimez pas fermez vos yeules ... osti le gars est content de les avoir pis la moitier des reponse sont negative ... caliss que vous etes vraiment poche desoler de vous petez votre criss de bullle mais chacun ses gout si vous etes pas content ben passer droit sans laisser d'osti de commentaire de mardes ... calisser moi un avertissement pour mauvais language je m'en fou ... mais ca serais bien que ceux qui sont ici pour denigrer les autres en recoivent aussi


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une autre belle reussite,en plus les champagne sont pas mal dans mon top 5 metton,du beau travail encore une fois.

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hahahahahah xav qui suis le bal encord une fois ,si quelqun dit washhhh il dit washhhhh si quelqun dit wow il dit wow lolol

Marc ne temp fait pas ,eyecu en a vue dautre et je suis sur que sa lui passee dix pied pardessus la tete les commentaires de COWBOY XAV,OU MEME DES AUTRES ...

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Patt a écrit:
hahahahahah xav qui suis le bal encord une fois ,si quelqun dit washhhh il dit washhhhh si quelqun dit wow il dit wow lolol

Marc ne temp fait pas ,eyecu en a vue dautre et je suis sur que sa lui passee dix pied pardessus la tete les commentaires de COWBOY XAV,OU MEME DES AUTRES ...

je sais moi meme n'etant pas un fan des morphs et encore moins de morph de PR et comme j'ai essayer de faire comprendre a "certaines personnes" que tu n'aime pas tu as le droit ... mais tu n'a pas le droit de denigrer les efforts de ces personnes ... c'est comme si j'irais dire a la mere ou au pere des personnes que je n'aime pas que y'on juste fait de la marde pis que leurs enfants son hideux ... tk je voulais en venir au point d'etre mechant mais la j'en plein le cul et je crois que les chargés de section devraient faire plus attention et devraient enlever les commentaire désobligeant comme two cent y'a beaucoup de gens ici qui font beaucoup d'effort afin de realiser quelques choses et je trouve vraiment deplorable le manque de savoir vivre que certain utilise ici quand il n'aime pas ce qu'ils voient

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à vrai dire j'hésitait a faire ce commentaire la premiere fois que j'ai vu le post mais en voyant que personne ne se gênait j'ai dit mon opinion. Mais bon, félicitation quand meme c'est une belle réussite thumright

Je le répète, je ne dénigre aucunement sa réussite, je n'aime juste pas cette phase c'est tout.

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marc les chargee on aucun pouvoir sur le forum ou sur les poste ,on peu juste emetre notre opinion mon ami

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ce que je trouve interessant a cette phase ses que tes 4 individue sont tres disting, plus ou moins de pattern , plus grissatre ou non , il y a beaucoup de difference entre eux

bebe cette phase est flache mais adult il sont plus brun , rien de ''fluoritique'' encore lol

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hahahah xav as tu une opinion a toi mec debut taime pas je tecrit un commentaire te la tu aime hahahahahahaha

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relit ske j'ai écrit, jparle de la forme adulte, pas du bébé, et encore, je dit que c'est plus beau, pas que je trouve ca beau, nuance Wink. J'avais aucune idée que cette phase existait avant hier. d'autant plus que j'ai spécifier que meme si les bébés ne sont pas beau, qu'il a quand meme accomplit une belle réussite... spa compliquer a comprendre ca loll

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Patt est ben bon là dedans, il déplore le fait que les autre disent ce qu'ils pensent, mais c'est pas ben mieux sont affaire... Ça en est pas mal ridicule comme débat d'un bord ou l'autre.

Mais bon, pour ce qui est de la morph, je la trouve aussi laide que beaucoup qui se la ferme je crois, haha! Félicitations quand même pour la portée.

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Patt est ben bon là dedans
un des meilleurs lolol thumright

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I find it interesting that no one here gives reason to why they find the Champagnes unattractive.

Everyones quick to say "I think its ugly and thats my opinion" and no one seems to really give a reason to why it is they find it "ugly". I think only Xav actually gave a reason behind his statement when he said they look "sick". Besides that the rest of you just put "I dont like it", "Its Ugly".

Eyecu should feel so proud on the odds he hit getting those fantastic snakes, and you guys kind of rained on his parade. I dont think thats cool. But in the end Im sure Eyecu is laughing, because I myself know how much people are willing to pay for animals that are that GOOD-LOOKING with those power genes (hypo and ph albino)

I love Champagnes for the different browns and beiges they have, I also have a thing for near patternless snakes--I love the champagne combos out there such as Mimosas, Pinstripe Champs and Lesser Champs.

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Paul-Dominic a écrit:
I find it interesting that no one here gives reason to why they find the Champagnes unattractive.

Everyones quick to say "I think its ugly and thats my opinion" and no one seems to really give a reason to why it is they find it "ugly". I think only Xav actually gave a reason behind his statement when he said they look "sick". Besides that the rest of you just put "I dont like it", "Its Ugly".

Eyecu should feel so proud on the odds he hit getting those fantastic snakes, and you guys kind of rained on his parade. I dont think thats cool. But in the end Im sure Eyecu is laughing, because I myself know how much people are willing to pay for animals that are that GOOD-LOOKING with those power genes (hypo and ph albino)

I love Champagnes for the different browns and beiges they have, I also have a thing for near patternless snakes--I love the champagne combos out there such as Mimosas, Pinstripe Champs and Lesser Champs.

It's ugly because it's simply not natural .... i've got a huge interest in taxonomy and diversity and I not agree these snakes are beautiful on this basis..... Do you serously call this herpetology ???? .... This is absolutely nothing about herpetology (the real one)

This is everything about notoriety of breeder and/or money and/or any superficial reason.... A real herpetologist really like amphibians and reptiles and do not produce GMO and promote them....

Sorry but a lot of people are tired of ''purist'' arguments, but purist (like me and I don't hide) are seriously tired of all the sh*t you call the ''hobby'' and you pass for herpetology .... Ok alright, call this a ''hobby'' but please don't call this herpetology or passion for reptile .... call this passion for genetics and or (in some case) passion for money and/or notoriety...

Come on ... you sell me a BP and you're simply not able to talk me about it's ecology in the wild, but you can tell me everythings about it's genetics and the (up to date) 910 morphs and combo ........ sorry guys .... IT'S A TOTAL SHAME !!!

And there is a lot of ''groupie'' whos follow you because they enter the ''world of reptiles'' and thinks these (the morphs) are the only living reptile on earth and are those offer in captivity...

And I must to congratulate for baby GMO ??? .... Come on !!! GMO specialist who are supposed to be specialist in reptile doesn't have 80 post on the forum.... They are just there to promote their GMO with pix of new born with offer in pm or anything else ... They even don't pay a banner.... Please don't make my sarcastically laugh... this is everything except herpetology....

And now a question for EyeCu ???? : I heard you have received some Angolan pythons ..... Do you will keep them and breed them as they are or you will hybrid them with balls to get ''genetic'' and sell the babys for something that is more expensive than my arm ??? ..........

EyeCu can laugh and others can do too, but these champagne are simply monster and will not exist if there was no human intervention... so I think they are extremely ugly on this basis...

Paul-Dominic, don't take it bad; I can understand you to protect EyeCu... you are both breeders and sellers... but please understand me too... I am an herpetologist and a diversity lover !!!

Sorry for people who can be irritate by my word... but after so much years I saw these things happened.... I can't take it anymore..... (it's sad to say, but I know i'll see some GMO for a long time period)... but i'm here to give my opinion....

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Merci à tous pour vos commentaires autant possitif que négatif Very Happy

Je ne participe que très rarement a de tel débat mais là diadophis attaque ma crédibilité et mon intégrité sans même me connaitre! Rolling Eyes

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It's ugly because it's simply not natural .... i've got a huge interest in taxonomy and diversity and I not agree these snakes are beautiful on this basis..... Do you serously call this herpetology ???? .... This is absolutely nothing about herpetology (the real one)
Not natural you say! this is a hobby, do you realy think most on here give a rats arse about taxonomy and diversity, you want to impress me about taxonomy and diversity, go work on a remote island and save an endangered species. Breeding reptiles in captivity has absolutely nothing to do with herpetology for the simple fact they would never be released in the wild.

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This is everything about notoriety of breeder and/or money and/or any superficial reason.... A real herpetologist really like amphibians and reptiles and do not produce GMO and promote them....
You are a real herpetologist? What have you done to warrant such high esteem of yourself? As for me doing this for notoriety, beep wrong anwser, could not care about the glory! Money, heck no, I have a full time job to support my family, stricly a hobby and any money made is just re-invested in the hobby, superficial you say, I've got to be the the least superficial of any breeders on this planet, again, your comment without knowing me is disrespectful at best...

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Sorry but a lot of people are tired of ''purist'' arguments, but purist (like me and I don't hide) are seriously tired of all the sh*t you call the ''hobby'' and you pass for herpetology .... Ok alright, call this a ''hobby'' but please don't call this herpetology or passion for reptile .... call this passion for genetics and or (in some case) passion for money and/or notoriety...
Purist eh! again, what have you done to save an endangered species apart from blabing your mouth as a purist? like it or not, most like and enjoy color morphs much more then the wild type brown ones, the hobby dictates this I don't, like it or not, thats the way the hobby is, again, nothing to do with herpetology as they will never see and visit the wild...passion for genetics, god damn right, love all the genetic diversity...

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Come on ... you sell me a BP and you're simply not able to talk me about it's ecology in the wild, but you can tell me everythings about it's genetics and the (up to date) 910 morphs and combo ........ sorry guys .... IT'S A TOTAL SHAME !!!
You want to talk BP taxonomy & ecology, bring it on, I might be able to show you a thing or two, its 1001 morphs and combos, a total shame to you? the purist? no shame to 99.9% of the hobby whom comsumes these color/pattern phases, hobby babe, hobby!

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And there is a lot of ''groupie'' whos follow you because they enter the ''world of reptiles'' and thinks these (the morphs) are the only living reptile on earth and are those offer in captivity...
Groupies eh! what does that make you? again, you contradict yourself, you say offered in captivity, you want wild type showcased, go visit a zoo, they only display wildtype animals...

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And I must to congratulate for baby GMO ??? .... Come on !!! GMO specialist who are supposed to be specialist in reptile doesn't have 80 post on the forum.... They are just there to promote their GMO with pix of new born with offer in pm or anything else ... They even don't pay a banner.... Please don't make my sarcastically laugh... this is everything except herpetology....
Again, herpetology, I am far from a herpetologist and you know what, you are even further from being one yourself, I was asked to come on here to share our hobby with others, guess I will know better next time! As for promoting myself or animals per say, please, Ireally don't need to come on here to do that, again, speaking without knowing the OP. You can now go back and hide under your rock...

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And now a question for EyeCu ???? : I heard you have received some Angolan pythons ..... Do you will keep them and breed them as they are or you will hybrid them with balls to get ''genetic'' and sell the babys for something that is more expensive than my arm ??? ..........
Since you are a purist and a herpetologist and no nothing about me, you must be one of those whom put color mutations and Hybrids in the same boat, beep wrong again, those who know me know very well I do not support Hybridizing, better yet, you want to promote healthy herpetology, save your energy and attack Hybridizers instead, they are far more dangerous to herpetology then color mutations....and to anwser your question, no, our Angolans will stay pure, they unlike Ball Pythons, are much prettier in their wild type pattern...

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EyeCu can laugh and others can do too, but these champagne are simply monster and will not exist if there was no human intervention... so I think they are extremely ugly on this basis...
monsters in your eyes and I respect your opinion, as a herpetologist, what do you say about wild adult color mutations surviving and breeding in the wild, case being, an adult wild caught gravid Lavender Albino imported years ago by Bob Clark, no human intervention there, what is your opinion on this known fact?

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Paul-Dominic, don't take it bad; I can understand you to protect EyeCu... you are both breeders and sellers... but please understand me too... I am an herpetologist and a diversity lover !!!
Again, nice for you to claim being a Herpetologist, what are your credentials?

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Sorry for people who can be irritate by my word... but after so much years I saw these things happened.... I can't take it anymore..... (it's sad to say, but I know i'll see some GMO for a long time period)... but i'm here to give my opinion....
[/quote] You are totaly intitled to your opinion but to attack others (me!) stricktly based on your own personnal opinion, you are a minority here and in the hobby, color mutations are what people like wether you like it or not, just accept this fact as there is nothing you can do about it. As a herpetologist, I would be very impressed if you dedicated your energy at saving an endangered species, please stop confusing (Hobby) and Herpetology, a reptile hobbyist is not and will never be a herpetologist and before attacking others, please do your research, notoriety, money and recognition means nothing to me, I like working with genetics and diversifying the color morph gene pool knowing such would never be released back to the wild.

Enjoy the hobby like it or not, and save the planet and its inhabitants if you truly are a schooled herpetologist.

Happy Herping to all Very Happy

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Oulaaaa les couteaux volent bas :S En tout cas on ne peux pas dire que se poste a passer dans le beurre looool

Hey eyecu c'est tu moi ou un de tes champagnes a un peu de couleur d'une autre phase dessus? Sa fais style piedball c'est spécial, je suis curieuse de voir les parents. Photo, photo, photo (a moins que tu est fais un poste plus tot et je ne l'est pas vue)

Pis tu va faire quoi avec tout ces petits monstres? Tu va pas garder tout sa?

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EyeCu (and everyone else who take my word personnally) :

I apologize if you thought it was a personnal attack against you ! It is one against the hobby.

But I admit I didn't choose well the words and point some people instead of pointing the hobby, so it can cause confusion so I'm really sorry for that !

I had that kind of discussion in the past with other breeders and you're right on that point: hobby is hobby ! I don't really like the way it is... but it is like that ! So as I can't do pratically nothing, i'll keep my energy for something else instead of telling what I think !!! Moreover, I think I have enough proof to say that it's worthless except in some rare people !!!

For hybridization, it was a question, not an attack; I know that some breeders had hybridize snakes to enter a gene in a strain, but i'm glad to see it's not your case and not in your principle.

I admit too that I effectively put morph, inbreeding and hybrids in the same basket ! That not a good thing and I have to change my mind about that

I never told I was a professional herpetologist, but since 1998, I've work on some project and I had some contracts, principally with brown snakes. We worked on many surveys, relocation and construction of an artificial den site. Unfortunaly, laws are too soft and trying to save populations usually give nothing except a lot of disappointment.

For hobby, I just regret that there is no more diversity of species...

Then I'll follow your advice; take it or hide under my rock !

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moi je dis qu'ils sont unique et beau a leur facon,
ils sont different et j'aime ca^^
pas mes préféré mais peu iomporte!
mais le monde a droit a ses opignons je ne crois pas que ce soit un cas de ''naziserpent''

but I think ''and sorry for my english''

I think hybridification is not so cool, not bad too....
Yes there's always a lot of species so d'ont need to create some new creature for whatever the reason...

doing hybridification is ''hot'' for the one who succesful do it...
Its not comon, its hard work...even so i dont like that ...

ps: desole jai parler d'hybridification a cause du message en anglais, fut dire que tout deborde du sujet principal

alors moi je dis BRAVO ^^ tres beau serpent^^

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la seule chose que j aime pas des morphs est leur prix parfois astronomique
et les debat toujours inutile qui sen suivent,moi je dis felicitation et bonne continuité a eyecu et au autre qui travaille fort pour entrenir leur passion et mettre en marché a chaque anné des specimen hallucinant,jai moin d argent et de talent que vous et surtout trop parresseeux pour me donner la peine par moment,mais sé pas grave vous faite deja un travbaille remarquable

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Coudonc, je ne pensais jamais que mon petit commentaire aller causé toute ses discussions.

Bon premièrement GuerillaMarc qui est tu pour juger de mon commentaire Laughing Ce n'étais absolument pas une attaque contre l'intégrité et le travail de Marc ainsi que celui de Mike et Kirk, au cas ou tu l'ignorais, je connaît c'est gars là depuis près de 20 ans, ce sont des éleveurs que je respecte et apprécie et il le savent très bien. (pense tu qu'il m'aurais donné un Python Timor adulte s'il m'haissait lol) Sérieusement je l'ai écrit en pensant a Marc et en me disant il va sûrement trouvé ma comparaison tordante. Point a la ligne, si tu savais le nombre de personne que je leur ai référé dans les dernières années, tu aurais sû qu'il n'y avais aucune attaque ni aucun dénigrement. Désolé mais penser ça c'est mal me connaître et justement quand je n'aime pas quelques chose et que je ne connaît pas l'éleveur et bien je ferme ma grand gueule.

Bon et finalement le débat hybridation et tout le reste, je vais vous dire moi ce que j'en pense, au départ j'aimais pas trop les morph, finalement maintenant certaines me font trippé et j'en ai reproduit, j'était aussi totalement contre les hybrides, maintenant je me dit que tant que c'est clairement spécifier que c'est un hybride et qu'on ne les mêle pas avec les pur sans le spécifier, c'est bien correct aussi et avant je me fichais du inbreeding, j'avais rien contre et maintenant je commence a comprendre pourquoi on devrais évité de le faire par tout les moyens possible et tout ça c'est arrivé grâce au forum, donc moi ma devise maintenant c'est bien simple, vivre et laissé vivre et pour moi toute vie est importante, qu'elle ai été créer par l'homme ou par la nature, la vie c'est la vie et toute forme est sacré, aucune n'a plus de valeur qu'une autre.


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Nice debate we have over here.


I appreciate your detailed response, I wish I could type as good in french as some of you could in english!

Heres the truth short and sweet. We ALL keep exotic animals in captivity. The animals that most of us keep have been captive bred for generations. These snakes, morph or not would not be able to survive if we threw them back into nature. Theres always debate over morphs and hybrids wether its ethical or not. Well we've taken exotic animals and put them in cages in which they probably do not have near enough space to use as they would in the wild. And our captive snakes are much more FAT and Robust than their wild counterparts. Also I guarantee you that Ball Pythons in Africa do not eat frozen thawed laboratory raised

So whats really natural about reptile keeping? Nothing much. Thats why if you hybridize, I dont care. The Carpondros that are being hatched out that are higher % of GTP are fantastic. Has anyone seen an ETB x ATB? Wow gorgeous. I keep jaguar carpet pythons, which are a hybrid of subspecies.

So the whole "its unatural cause its a funny colour" thing? That doesnt fly with me. Some of us keep snakes in drawers and feed these animals f/t preys, we use artifical incubaters and most of us have a 100% hatch rate. Yet all anyone complains about is the Some of you are quick to point a finger, or to think your ethics are better than someone else. We're all in the same boat. We love reptiles for one reason or another.

That being said its fine to have an opinion--but what if I or Marc go to your posts of your animals and say thats ugly its all plain and boring. Cmon, thats not nice...we should all have better manners. If you dont like it dont comment. Have some decency

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But in the end Im sure Eyecu is laughing, because I myself know how much people are willing to pay for animals that are that GOOD-LOOKING with those power genes (hypo and ph albino)

De la terrario bling bling oui...

À quand l'émission "Pimp my snake" !! Razz

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Hi Paul-Dominic

First of all I will tell it again; it was a ''cheap shot'' from my part to point you and EyeCu on my previous post when I do not have to point any individual, but the hobby as it is !!!

So this time, I will continue this debate more politely !!! thumright

I totally agree when you say that keeping snake in captivity is not the same thing than looking for them in nature. But in other way, I thinks it's the ''easy excuse'' to do everything. What I want to mean is simple and i'll ask the following question; why create hundreds of morph instead of acclimating a rare species and/or a ''unknown'' taxon to the public in general ?

A partial answer (that I think) is : Morph are wanted because there is variety and demand.... but people who breed morphs have created this demand... Then why not creating demand in variety.... When I began with snake 18 years ago... there was so few morphs.... But hundred of morph today and a market based on it, I think it's excessive !

And this time I will don't point any breeder, but where there is demand, there is buyer, and where there is buyer, there is money.

So I often get the impression that people that produce morph, principally BP because it's from far the specie who get the most morph, make it for money...

But I ask you a question; if your favorite specie is the southern black racer (e.g.) but you know there is a few demand for this specie.... Do this fact will stop you in any breeding project and you'll start in something that you will find buyer like BP ??

I'm not sure the ''dream'' species of all people are the BP, the BC, the CP or the corn.... You know, I don't know the exact number of BP morph as EyeCu make me understand I was not up to date... but I an tell you the number of species of snakes on the planet, in date of June 2011: 3335 ! If you exclude venomous,worm e.t.c but you include all the subspecies and some locality as seen often in widespread species, that make hundreds even thousands possibility.... so why we see only so few taxon on the market ?

So this point is another one why I don't necesserely like the hobby...

That make over 6 years that I didn't kept any animal at home, but I begin to get some projects, not necessarily in breeding.... But species I get on the bulleye, are challenging and/or extremely hard to find.... But even if it cost me a lot of money and time, I'm ready to keep them (if I do héhé) and i'm ready to spend for them .... not necessarily received and/or reproduce.

Have a nice day

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Wow... this place is steaming...

En français ou en anglais? À mon avis, on a eu pas mal d'échecs diplomatiques ici Razz.

Eyecu doit être content et fier de sa portée. Peu importe nos positions, c'est pas délicat de critiquer la sienne ici. Félicitations d'avoir reproduit des serpents, c'est une belle réussite et ça doit clairement avoir fait ta journée Smile!

C'est pas un post pour un débat, on en a bien assez déja. Ça aide pas la cause si on aime pas les morphs d'aller irriter des gens. Thumbs up pour le post de Guerrillamarc.


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bistrobob85 a écrit:
Eyecu doit être content et fier de sa portée. Peu importe nos positions, c'est pas délicat de critiquer la sienne ici. Félicitations d'avoir reproduit des serpents, c'est une belle réussite et ça doit clairement avoir fait ta journée Smile!


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