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Multi-Gene Males

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Me and my pal, Joseph spent much of Wednesday night shooting pictures for the company's iHerp acount and I thought Id share some pictures of four of our 2011 multi-gene males that we're hoping go for us this season.

First is my personal favourite our firefly (pastel x Fire) that we've dubbed winky. He was born in a "boob-egg" and he only has one eye, both parents are great animals the fire male has given us many fires over the last two years, and this is the only one that has had any kind of deformity so we're gonna try breeding him as we're pretty sure its not hereditery.

Next is a Pastel Enchi male we got in a trade with our friends at RegiusCo. This male is one of the best feeding ball pythons we have in the collection, Loves to eat but hes very shy always goes into a ball if there isnt any rat around. PS this picture doesnt do his bright colour justice: Pastel x Enchi

This next guy has been a bit of a picky eater but hes definitely one of our proudest acheivements thus far, we produced this little butterghost this year. Both him and the firefly were born fairly early in the season we had a very early season. The firefly may have size and age to breed but the Butter Ghost is actually older then him so heres hoping! Butter x Orange Hypo

Next up is my Black Bee, if anyone eats as good as the Enchi Pastel its the Black Bee, came from Shane and George at legendboas. Black Pastel x Spider

Thanks for looking!

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VERY nice Paul thumright
they are truly exeptional....i always enjoy your pics...keep them coming Wink
Richard sunny

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