Vlad1 0 Posté(e) le 12 novembre 2011 100% het VPI T+ albinos from the pink panther line.Those could produce the pinkest boas one can imagine850$ for the pairfemale you can see her deep pink colormalethe rest herehttp://imageevent.com/vkreptiles/availablemotleyboaspure CA Ghosts 66% poss het blood.Boas from this blood line stay small 250$ eachmalefemalefemale pure CA ghost 66% poss het blood this is the only one for sale in Canada 400$Ghost boas those are from probable salmon het ghost to probable salmon het ghost.All the litter look like a super to me350$for more info vkreptiles@yahoo.caThanks for lookingVladwww.vkreptiles.com Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites