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Russian Tortoise

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I am selling my adult male Russian Tortoise with his cage and accessories for 650$.
He is full grown (4 1/4 inch carapace) and will not grow more.

His tortoise table (cage) is about 4 feet wide by 2 1/2 feet deep. As you can see in the photos below, it has shelves on the bottom, which go all the way to the back and are neatly covered by a cloth, which can be lifted to access the shelves; the cloth is held in place with magnets and the front is made of sturdy 1/4 inch glass.

The tortoise table comes with:

-Large heating pad
-Substrate (50% playsand 50% coconut coir)
-Hiding cave
-UV light + fixture
-Heat lamp + bulb
-A jar of Total Nutrition for Tortoises (one of the best food supplements specially formulated for Russian tortoises.
-Some cuttlebone
-Flat brick (keeps his nails trim as he walks over it)
-Feeding dish (although feeding him directly on the brick keeps his beak nice and trim)
-If you like the decor in the cage that is in the pic, by all means it's yours.
-Extra substrate

If you need more info or have any questions, feel free to send me a message.

Thank you!

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