Vlad1 0 Posté(e) le 26 juillet 2012 here what i decide for sale from my personal collection:1.adult pale Western venezualan paraguanera boa PURE locality produced bty Rio Bravo Reptiles.Adult and readu for breeding NOW!They stay relatively small the female is less than 5 feet at 4 years. 650$ for the pair.This is ETREMELY RARE.I am sure this is the only pair in existence in Canadamale he is an Aneryfemale2. proven male hypo het sharp albino 450$3.Proven jungle male 450$.This is my original male that produced some killer jungles4.Adult fat ready to bred female Hypo sonora 500$5.Male pure corn island boa Make me an offer for him6.Adult proven pair 100% het leopards 700$.That is one of my working pairs .The male is a breeding mashine! This is a DEAL , as they can easy give you 10 leopards in the single litter7.Adult female het sharp albino 500$ ready to bred now for more information contact me at vkreptiles@yahoo.caThanks for lookingVlad Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites