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Grant Crossman

Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo only a few days away

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The reptile hobby will again be focused on the International Center on Sept 15th and 16th. Over 70,000 square feet of live reptiles, aquatics, exotic pets! Canada’s Largest Reptile Breeders and Exotic Pet Expo has literally blown the walls apart to place over 200 booths of distributors, breeders, specialty clubs, seminars, guest appearances, live auctions, wildlife art, aquarium display, Best of Show, Battle of the Aquariums and so much more.
Doors open at 10 am and close at 5 pm on both days. Information can be found at Guest appearances and speakers include Kevin McCurley from New England Reptile Distributors, Ron Tremper the legendary Leopard Gecko pioneer, John Taylor one of the most recognized reptilian authors, Dav Kauffman director of the series HERPERS, and rounding it off for the first time ever in Canada The PYTHON HUNTERS. That’s right the Greg Graziani, Michael Cole and Shawn Heflick will be at the CRBE giving a presentation on Saturday. Sunday the Python Hunters will be on hand signing collectible CRBE cards only available at the CRBE.
The 2011 Best of Show RegiusCo’s Genetic Stripe Enhancer will be on hand defending its reign this year as the first Best of Show. Over 25 contenders will be displaying their entries at their booths. A select group of judges will determine the 2012 Best of Show on Sunday. Markus Jayne will be defending their 2011 Best of Show Private Breeders Booth reign, let’s see what they have up their sleeves this year to continue the paths they are creating with such an inspirational booth. PetSmarts 2011 Best of Show Retailer Booth is again returning with their wheel of products. Be sure to stop by all of these Best of Show booths to show your support and appreciation for their efforts.
Sundays LIVE AUCTION being hosted by the Durham Fish Association will have some great opportunities to jump at some rare and unusual aquatics and reptiles. YUUUUUPPP will be the word of the day.
REPTILIA and Hands on Exotics will be presenting family presentations throughout the weekend at the west and east side of the venue. Be sure to bring the young future reptile keepers by to enjoy some great interactive presentations for all ages.
Jeneric photography will be on hand as well to give Canada a photo opportunity in the world of reptiles like never before! ZOO MED and PetSmart as gracious hosts of the 2012 CRBE will be displaying their lines of new reptile products along with their support network for the hobby….
Here is a link to the all the information you need and a link from a couple guests and

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Its really going to be the Canadian Reptile event of the year if not longer. I am hoping that Repticlic will provide some footage live from the event itself. I have to speak with the Repticlic superiors to confirm this.


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