BAR-NECK1 0 Posté(e) le 30 juin 2011 nice species Ugo !!! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Baaz1 0 Posté(e) le 1 juillet 2011 I love your green friends Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Chance-reptil-virus 0 Posté(e) le 1 juillet 2011 I love your green too Ugo.You're a lucky man.All these specimens are yours?Do you keep them in a special room ?What about the laws to keep venomous snake in Italy ?Do you have to pass an exam, or like in France to have a Certificate of Capacity to be autorized to keep and breed all venomous ? Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
nina131 0 Posté(e) le 3 juillet 2011 Ah che belli!!!!!Ho un debole per i serpenti verdi, velenosi o no et guardacaso, i miei velenosi preferiti sono 2 verdi :il Mamba verde e il Trimeresurus albolabris.Ho avuto l'occasion di ammirarli dal vero da gente che possiede le autorizzaioni per il loro mantenimento.Per quanto riguarda i Corallus e se mi ricordo bene, in Italia si possono mantenere senza autorizzazione specifica... o mi sbaglio?Magnifiques !!!J'ai un faible pour les serpents verts, qu'ils soient venimeux ou pas et, comme par hasard, mes venimeux préférés sont verts : le Mamba vert et le Trimeresurus albolabris.J'ai eu l'occasion de les admirer en vrai, chez des capacitaires.Concernant les Corallus (si la memoire ne me fait pas défaut), en Italie on peut les maintenir sans besoin d’autorisation spécifique... ou je me trompe ? Chance a écrit:... What about the laws to keep venomous snake in Italy ?Do you have to pass an exam, or like in France to have a Certificate of Capacity to be autorized to keep and breed all venomous ?Je lui ai posé la même question dans son post "Vipers" et il a répondu. Il faut penser qu'en France, malgré toutes les difficultés que l'on peut rencontrer pour devenir capa venimeux, on est quand même mieux lotis que là bas. Au moins ici les portes ne sont pas fermées. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
ugo02 0 Posté(e) le 3 juillet 2011 EVERYBODY THANKSall the pics i post are about my snakes only : past or present onesCorallus are my fav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kept them from 2000 to 2008, till my divorcebut i m a bad guy, i enjoied cross bred them, as well !!!!!!!!Chondros were a challenge, my daughter Lavi was able to bred them when She was 13 !!!!!!Trimeresurus was a bet with their owner : i bred them after 2 months i had them, now that babies were born i gave back all them to the owner.i had a big snakes'roomand in the past i owned more than 300 specimens, so i opened a 'public display' just before i served under the Army.perhaps in the future , if any could be interested in, i'll post "my way" to keep Arboreals.Chance :No it is umpossible to 'new entry' to obtain permission to keep venomous or dangerous animals (in Italy also the pigmy Varanus acanthinurus is in the 'dangerous list').by the way how it came ur evolution carried U from a sweet squaw-like to a green Being in an inhospitable land?Nina :Corallus are free.if u'll come u 'll see either T. albolabris and green mambas, here Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites