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Bouche cousue ...

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C'est un serpent a qui on a cousu la gueule pour le manipuler tranquillement et sans risque.
Il va sans dire qu'après cela, les serpents meurent ...

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Ouais effectivement... Je comprends pas bien l'interet...

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LoveSnake45800 a écrit:
venom a écrit:
je prefere ne rien dire sinon je vais etre vulgaire


tous simplement parce que je ne supporte pas de voir des serpents se faire torturer,a cause de la c******* des gens

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ha oui punaise j'avais pas vu ce qu'avez ecrit chance! les ordures coudre la bouche d'un serpent non mais je reve la je sens que moi aussi je vais pété un cable c'est horrible faire ça!!!
mais je contient je ne vais pas dire d'insulte! en plus le mec a la fin on le voir rire!!!

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Chance a écrit:

Des tas de serpents sont mutilés pour des démonstrations en public, quand cela cessera t'il ?

tant qu'il y aura des humains sur terre

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Je vais exterminer l'humanité pour vivre en symbiose avec les animaux (et tout nu).

Non, blague à part ... je regarde pas la vidéo, mais j'imagine très bien le truc ... pfffff !

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ok, Chance, i will not accept this arguing any more! BUT, pls note : there are children jailed in dark rooms to make carpets or sport shoes, and.... there are lots of bad thinks on Earth : that doesn't mean that carpet or sport-shoes are bad by themselves: only we are bad.sometimes.and Stupidity is widespread : everyone of us is stupid in any way daily!But pls note : everyone is proud to teach his dog, U can do something similar with Ur snakes.
Now I'd like to remember U all that -for Ur daily needs- there are lots of handling courses; for example a dear friend Karim (the owner of La Ferme Tropicale and a worthy member of Ur Commission for the Certificate de Capacitè) holds some handling courses; another friend, Tony Phelps does the same in South Africa.
the true handlers know very well the behavior of the snakes they handle and only indulge the snakes behavior, as we all do when training a dog! it's hard to explain how to paint a picture,but fine pictures are painted daily!
Only please don't criticize if U never did it!!!!!!!!!!!
i cannot criticize a surgeon or a basket-coach, cause i never did it. by the way many people here look stupid too,for example keeping a snake and a lizard together in the same enclosure, or worse than that, or arguing for days about.....frilled air. but this doesn't mean they are really stupid in life! only, perhaps, they have a need.
dear friends, herp knowledge , perhaps, isin't to know and recognize the more thazn 185 Python regius morphs,but understand 'what' a royal is! inside.
Now , please : shoot at me! Perhaps after that U will feel better, but that doesn't add knowledge to Ur background.

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Ugo, I like to show how to handle a snake to people who doesn't know how to do, how to feed it, how to assist or force feeding a baby who are not start.
I like to say and show how to take care of the health and the good way to keep a snake in good conditions.
If somebody has got a problem with his reptile, I'm always present to help here on the forum, by mp, or by phone.
I don't know how many morph of regius exist, but I know how his body is inside. Somtimes I open snakes or other animals to watch why they are dead.
I don't critic people who show the good way to keep well a snake. But I can't stand people who do anything stupid with snakes, who mistreat snakes just for a show.
I hate that kind of people, as the same as I hate people who mistreats child, animals or just don't respect Mother Earth and even the other people.

I dont' want to shoot at you. I think we in the same way but we don't understand each other.

I love all the animals on earth and I want that everyone respect them, that's all.

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Chance, U know how much I love & respect U , perhaps - for personal reasons- more than everybody here. I could reply U thousands ways, but , with U. I think I don't need to do, U r smart and U will keep it quickly : Have U got the "Truth"? and : is the "Truth" of 2011 the same of that of only 30 years ago?
U showed only a stupid man, like millions others. Only U 'played on' a little cause he had a snake : but everyday we meet plenty of stupid men! without any snakes!( a taxi-driver and my Boss are my last 2 of this very day) and stupid dog or cat keepers, sure they do the best for their pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
perhaps U hate hunting, too, but would U intrude the others rights to live their life?
I hate rock, have i to forbid U to listen to it?
What i meant about "inside" is far more than Anatomy : it's more about Physiology and Psychology : Dipsosaurus dorsalis and Iguana iguana are both Iguanidae, and their internal anatomy is about the same, but U cannot exchange their enviroment. U know Anatomy,please tell me why.
And could U explain me the difference amongst the anterior, the dorsal and the direct spinocerebellar tracts?
As U see, TRUE KNOWLEDGE is hard!
But i wish speak with U about a more interesting topic : many members here are becoming 'ghosts' ( I have my opinions about, but I wont explain them) and i suppose many of them are worthy and valuable keepers and breeders; also for beginners it's becoming not so useful;a part from 'presentialists and forum-careerists' not that much of 'life' here; it could end as a "copy & paste" kind of Forum : diffidence, boredom etc. are winning.
Perhaps it could help holding it like it was an Herpetological Society, starting from the Staff and the purposes. In my opinion, also, we need and yearly meeting : a way to meet & know each other, with a real exchange of experience, real friendships etc. An occasion were to exchange, sell and purchase our herps, too. Lectures, guests, what U like. Not diffidence but cooperation. Ur Country has plenty of lovely small towns were spend a week end all together!
Anyway that's only the 'opinion of a clown', to say it with E. Boll. and if i hurted U any way I apologize, but i say what i feel. Always.
sweet dreams, my Green Queen.

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Marie-Laure :

L'essentiel est qu'il n'y a aucun remède pour les gens comme moi qui sont nés stupide (je vais vous parler dès que possible avec mon Créateur), et je voudrais voir ce forum plus vivant, peut-être un rassemblement annuel pourrait aider. Ensuite, je suggère à tout le monde à «adopter» une paire de soi-disant «serpents moins importante» (Storer, Duberria, Farancia., Erpeton ..... sans fin), et il serait intéressant utile. Et enfin, qui Chance me rappelle Quelqu'Un tellement Spéciaux .........

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