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Saint mom

Agilité et nouvelle affaire pour plusieurs d'entre-nous.

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Pour votre information, voici ce que j'ai lu de ma chum américaine qui fait de l’agilité de compétition. Elle a essayé une nouvelle classe hier et ça s’appelle Jump chutes. Quand je vais y aller pour le compet dans 2 semaines, je vais lui montrer de me faire une démo le vendredi.
Voici son texte qui est malheureusement en anglais pour certains d’entre-vous.
Started a new jumping class today with Winston. Called jump chutes. So far very interesting. It's all about getting your dog to jump correctly and learning how to stride/gait themselves correctly, between jumps. Dog gets to learn to judge distance and gait correctly. It was our first class today (make-up class), as we missed the first one, because I was instructing a Obedience I class.

Anyway... I would strongly suggest this class at any training facility. My first class I have already learned a ton about movement and about how Winston jumps.

First... they measure the dogs. Length of their body and legs to knee joint. So they get the dogs stride. They use some math factor and then give you a rope with knots in it. Using the 3rd knot today to space the jumps out. They then set up 5 jumps in a row (3rd knot spaced). The dog is to run (full speed) to another handler at the other end... goal is to have dog take two strides between each jump, prior to jumping next jump... gaiting/striding themselves correctly. At first... as with Winston, he would do some in two strides and others with what they call a "POING" He was only hitting once between two of the five jumps and sailing, meaning he was not gaiting himself correctly. She said that with more classes and practice he will automatically start doing it correctly, once he learns where he has to start, and land, etc. So... we do this for a couple weeks, until everyone starts gaiting correctly (NO POINGING) and then we move on to the next exercise. I can't wait... I loved watching all the dogs move and the difference of how they all took jumps. Winston has a good stretch and extends himself well. I'm already looking forward to when Taffee is old enough to do it. Hope they hold the class again. They have to be at least 14 months to register for this class because of the speed and all the repetitive jumping.

Class is tough on them .. Straight lines of five jumps (for Winston about a 70 yard sprint-1way), running full speed /height 3 x back and forth (non stop 6x). Takes only a couple minutes (if that), but it's a quick workout. We run through all dogs twice. This is only the beginning... they will be worked up to 10 jumps with curves.

He seemed to love it. By the end of the class, he was turning and going back and forth himself. He was loving the racing/jumping. He was having a Grand Time!!

If anyone doing agility out there has a class like this, I would highly recommend it. IF not... ask your club to start teaching it. Our Agjlity head got the class outline from a Suzanne Clothier camp on form/movement in Agility, I believe.

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