cocotte07 0 Posté(e) le 17 février 2007 Punchy est un boxer male fauve avec masque noir. Il est vraiment mignon! Il a environ 5 ans et a ete trouve errant il y a quelques semaines. Il est tres maigre mais en bonne sante et commence a prendre du poids tranquilement. Ceci ne l'empeche pas d'etre tres enjoue! Il adore jouer avec des balles et il se comporte tres bien en voiture! Il se comporte tres bien avec les autres chiens. Visitez le site de Boxer Rescue Quebec pour en savoir plus! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Jaelle1 0 Posté(e) le 15 septembre 2007 Citation :Just wanted to give you all quick update on Billy (who has taken to his new name very well). He has done nothing but surprised us over the last 24 hours. He has adapted very well. He's calm and quiet, loves the kids and wants nothing more than to play with balls and eat. He's hasn't had any accidents and loves walking on his leash (but is a little timid). Right now he is asleep at my feet. He has obviously found his home. We often find him asleep in his cage with his blanket and ball! Last night we closed him in it and we didn't hear a peep from him all night. Billy is very smart. He is always looking to us for approval. I'm amazed at how well he is responding to "sit, stay, heel" as well as his new name. I believe this is going to be quite a success story! I'll keep you updated. Thank you Julie and Crystal for answering all my questions over email, your help was greatly appreciated! Laura & Billy Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites