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Plus d'OVC pour les hanches....

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Salut, je vous fais une copie d'un post provenant d'un de mes forums de Mastifffs. L'OVC ne certifiera plus les hanches.

Citation :
Well, it's true because I checked the OVC site, then I telephoned the
department. The woman that answered confirmed the news. OVC will no
longer accept nor do X-Rays for evaluations on our dogs. A letter
will be going out to the veterinarians advising that as of January
31st, 2008, this service will no longer be available at OVC. We will
be 'FORCED' to use OFA and while I do not have a problem doing so, I
preferred using OVC because it is Canadian and I prefer to use
Canadian before using anything else. Apparently Dr Dobson has left
(or retired?) and the new guy doesn't want to do it.

So, I believe we need to start a letter (hard copy by regular mail or
fax) to OVC voicing our displeasure over the cut in service and also
have our veterinarians do the same. Perhaps with a little heat, the
decision will be reversed. Also, the gal that answers the telephone
at the de partment will be leaving her job......cheers (not so), lad

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Ouein! mais je crois que de toute façon, l'OVC n'était pas connu et par les autres pays! L'OFA est reconnu de partout!

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C'est plate ces coupures de service A L'OVC, voyon donc surpris OUIN reste juste l'OFA pour nous franchement

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